knuck120 ticks
+ Tickrate Enabler works (but it needs to be compiled, the provided release using the -tickrate argument doesn't work)
+ It seems to set the tickrate properly, it's mentioned in a few console logs and netgraph shows sv: 120
+ Doors aren't affected, actually most bugs reported from last investigation don't seem to happen anymore
- Wallbugs happen a lot more often, to the point where it's annoying and abusable. On 1000 tickrate, touching a slanted wall guarantees instant freeze. -- If that's the only issue, it might be worth trying to find a temporary or sending a permanent fix to Valve.
- On 1000 tickrate, sliding off slanted surfaces is impossible, I wouldn't be surprised if this affects 120 tickrate as well, but it's a lot less noticeable (it's still possible to). It could just be a new type of wallbug because it stops you with no fall damage, I'm pretty sure.
- Air accel should be affected but it isn't, leads me to believe that the plugins doesn't actually work ?
- The hitscan benefits aren't obvious to me, I'll let actually good players decide
EDIT: Rewrote using Metamod:Source, a lot easier to compile and I'd assume less likely to break after updates
EDIT 2: My plugin actually affects the game entirely to a point where it's not playable. I hadn't tested it ingame before release. I assume tickrate_enabler only affects deeper layers of the engine code (old source code) whereas mine affects every layer, tf2 included. I doubt daemon32's plugin actually does anything significant other than burn CPU time and show bigger numbers. Sorry folks