------Nov 13th, Update------
Updates! Map made sexy!
So I have made some major progress on ultiduo_lookout, and it's really starting to take shape.
Some Screenshots For You!
- Finished texturing inside, added varying surfaces. Dev textures are nowhere to be found.
- Added slightly darker texture around point to indicate capture zone for those who can't see the overlays
- optimized no-draw boundaries for better performance
- Added TFCL billboards/posters (I'll explain that in a second)
- Removed elevator doors, replaced with worker lifts
- Replaced ammo on point with ammo packs on either end
- Fixed point eating damage
- Fixed spawn doors blocking arrows from spawn
- Added skybox setting and detail
- Updated sky and light_environment
- Learned to pack properly, so no more errors from the custom content (hopefully!)
Please please please test out this map. I promise it's only half as bad as it looks, and if you ever feel in the mood send me a demo! so far people seem pretty happy with the gameplay, but I'd like to fine tune it as much as I can.
So as always, here are some notes. It's not necessary to read these, they are just here to document the process for myself and anyone interested:
I'm starting to get this weird feeling in my chest about this map... could this be that pride thing I've been hearing so much about? I've said before, this is my first map. Everything before this has sputtered and died before even getting past basic brushes. It's come a long way and I'm not ashamed to say I'm proud of it. For someone with no experience, I don't think it's all that bad. there are still a couple things to work on though.
For one the lighting is a little dark. Preferably I'd want to add in some lights into spawn and maybe under the point too. Meanwhile there's the unfinished building off to the side that is disturbingly over exposed. Probably going to play with those buildings more later anyway, so I'll get to that another time.
Rest in peace elevators though (August 2017-November 2017). I still wanted a means for the players to be up there in the first place, so I ended up going with some temporary construction elevators instead. Now the med can buff right out of the gate, and it's much less confusing. I knew they didn't work very well, but dammit I had a mediocre idea and I was gonna stick with it. So hopefully this is a good compromise.
Another thing is the TFCL ads. The head-cheese of TFCL, Sidular, who was the one that originally gave the suggestion of an ultiduo map, offered to include it in the next season rotation (YEAH!), and asked for a couple of TFCL splashes here and there. I tried to make it so people with common configs wouldn't see them as much, they are more for the veiwing audience.
Thanks so much guys! Stay hydrated!
------Oct 1st, Update-------
Ultiduo_Lookout has been updated!
Updated Screenshots!
Download Available Here... Again
Thanks to some very in-depth feedback and playtesting (again, really appreciate the help V!s), I've severely modified Lookout:
- Updated spawn times. 2 second wave time with an uncapped point, 4 when you have it.
- Removed some on the girders and pillars near and around the point.
- Removed center pillar so you couldn't hide around it as easily
- Added a small ammo pack on the point
- Added small health kits on launchpads
- Updated the window to be opened for as long as you are in the spawning elevators and a very short period after you exit
- Added spectator cameras
- Adapted traditional naming convention, map is now "Ultiduo_Lookout_A2"
Some more notes:
I'm very well aware of the elevator problem. People say they're not exactly optimal, so I'll try to find a way to maybe just make them a decal or something. I'm pretty sad to see them go... I guess there's no room for vanity in the competitive scene.
I'm also trying to make it look better. For some reason everything looks kind of bleached and chalk-y, but despite combing through the TF2 texture library forever I still haven't found anything I particularly like. If anyone has ideas on fixing the bleakness, PLEASE let me know.
I really appreciate all the feedback, like I said, this is my first map, and I could really use the critical perspectives. I would love for more people to try the new version.
------Posted on Sept 28th, 2017---------
Hey gang!
My name's TwinMill and I'm kinda new to the mapping scene, and I wanted to get some feedback on my first real project that is in the meat of the alpha phase:
A rooftop-themed map exclusively for ultiduo.
Download Available Here
A friend of mine, Sidular, said there was a bit of a shortage in ultiduo maps, so I decided to try my hand. I've tweaked it as much as I can to make the map as playable as possible. All the right parts are here, I just need mass playtesting to really weed out what the issues are. The dev textures will obviously be gone once it's been run through the ringer.
The most important thing that I would like to know, is whether or not it's fun, or at least as fun as an ultiduo map can be.
Please let me know what you think! And if anyone wants to take it for a test drive, please do so!
I'm pretty new to the map development process, so there are a few thoughts and background on Ult_Lookout's progress I'd like to share to see what you all think. The following is not important information on the map whatsoever, and your life will easily be the same if you don't read this.
I'm roughly a silver medic main; a pretty average player but I like to think I can hold my own. The problem building something like this was that I didn't necessarily have the soldier's perspective. He is, after all, my LEAST played class (lower than heavy in fact) so I really didn't have much of an idea on what fits a soldier's playstyle. The first iteration I had favored medics severely: lots of corners with plenty of hiding spots, which I noticed severely slowed gameplay. So I drastically simplified taking some notes from maps such as Koth_Ultiduo and the infamous Koth_Baloo, particularly the window that you can open to see outside and the raised point, although I didn't quite want it to be another "hold the nipple" sort of experience.
The difference I wanted to make was to give my map a bit more of an interesting setting, making it a bit more exciting to play on, hence it being atop an unfinished skyscraper. My first attempt at an ultiduo map, Koth_Dishwater had a ton of design choices that were more for fashion over function that I really wasn't happy with, so I decided to choose a setting I had a bit more freedom with. After a few more prototypes that didn't serve the gamemode too well, I came out with a rough cut of Ult_Lookout; back then being titled Koth_Belfry. I changed the name, because "Belfry" seemed to confuse people a bit, so I decided to use a more common word. It will always be Belfry in my heart though. <3
I was and still am really concerned with how it plays, because I know how picky the competitive community can be. I want it to be fun, and I want it to be something that can be used in a tournament without everyone rolling their eyes.
That's not too much to ask, is it?