i combined every* log
took me a while to pull the other ~500k logs that twiikuu didn't get, with the last i bothered pulling coming from march 19th. you can find the csv for yourself here, for the low cost of 19.4MiB
some thoughts and notes from the process:
- i know the thread was for every log, but there was enough broken ones that the top scores for each category had some unreasonable values. there was a total of 47506 dropped to filter out unreasonable/bugged dpm, kills, etc. i didn't bother doing a perfect job cleaning, but things are reasonably good if you sort by people with at least a handful of games
- there are some people with thoroughly confusing habits
- i got current steam names for the top 50k players sorted by games played (plus the tops of some other categories), which gets us to people with around 57 logs or greater. otherwise, you can find your friends via their steamid64
- bball mains are the ultimate dpm lords: top dpm'ers, and the top profile
- mvm logs?
- with every log downloaded (34.7GiB worth), the numbers took 11 minutes and change to crunch
have fun