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SteamID64 76561198047511390
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Country England
Signed Up November 3, 2012
Last Posted October 24, 2017 at 5:35 AM
Posts 306 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.8
Windows Sensitivity Default
Raw Input 1
1920x1080 borderless
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK1 (with Hyperglide MX-3 feet)
Keyboard Microsoft Sidewinder x4
Mousepad SteelSeries QcK Mini
Headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M30x (with Blue Snowball mic)
Monitor some 60hz AOC thing fuck if I know
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#4 XCOM 2 in Other Games

I'm sat downstairs on my laptop while I wait for the download to finish, it was on like 75% last I checked after preloading it since around 4pm (if it's still not done soon I'll just sleep, only want to load the game up and play around with character pool for a bit anyway)

Super hyped for missing three 70% or above shots in a row in the opening mission because That's XCOM, Baby™

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Top 10 TF2 plays - October 2015 in Videos
DavidTheWinNot when we're stealing all the best ones B)

The Admirable-Yangsheng coalition have claimed a monopoly over frag clips

Please submit all future fragclips to Admirable's P.O. box on a USB flash drive or in the form of a flip book animation

For his P.O. box address, join TFTV Discord and ask for "big papa toucan", an anonymous source will disclose it through DMs

posted about 8 years ago
#83 On The Point - Interview Series in TF2 General Discussion

Handful of potential questions for clock:

Of all the scout pairings he's been a part of over the years, which scout partner(s) does he think worked best with him and why?

Are there any ways in which he feels he's had to adjust his scout play over the years to adapt to shifts in the meta?

If he were to move to and start playing in Europe, who would be his ideal team-mates?

Which player(s) that he's never played with on a team, past or present from any region, would he really like to play or have played with?

How would he describe the experiences he's had being part of three of the four big intercontinental LANs so far? What has it been like not only being one of the first to come over and play the Europeans on their home turf, but to have shown such overall dominance across the events he's attended even while playing so far away from home? What does he think has allowed him to have so much success with such consistency at these international events?

On the subject of the i-Series events - favourite thing(s) about visiting England?

Another great choice for an interviewee, potential here for a really interesting show. Keep it up Sideshow!

posted about 8 years ago
#6 ZOWIE 16 Cup recap in News
SnivyHello guys! This is my first official article here. And I'm really excited to make more and be part of the TFTV team! Here's to a great year!

Welcome to the team man! Great start already :)

posted about 9 years ago
#16 mustardoverlord in Videos

is this satire

posted about 9 years ago
#7 ETF2L S23 W2: Publiclir vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches

Turbo you terrific titan of TF2-talk tomfoolery <3

posted about 9 years ago
#50 Valve launches competitive beta public group in News

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Lets Talk: Depression/Mental Illness #BellLetsTalk in Off Topic

I've wanted to try and write something about depression for a while now, having recently been affected by it myself and before that having had it affect people very close to me. I can normally find a way to write about almost anything, but it stumps me every time. No description I've ever come up with quite captures it fully. However, I will try. This may be a bit of a wall of text depending how "into" this I get, sorry in advance if it is.

The light switch analogy that qarky raised is a very good one, particularly because the turning point really can be as instant as the flick of a switch sometimes. Happiness to sadness, self-loathing, anger or, worse still I think, just... nothing, total apathy, in almost literally the blink of an eye. At first it really can come when you least expect it, though I say "at first" because from my experience there comes a point where you're just always expecting it, you know it's gonna happen eventually.

It's got a particular little nasty twist to it for me being diagnosed Aspergers - social situations are difficult enough at times as it is without that switch flicking off and making things harder. Hell, sometimes the difficulty of social situations is what flicks the switch, it definitely has happened, so there's a vicious little cycle there, even.

With all of that said, my personal experience of it has thankfully been seeing the signs of it in myself relatively early (with a little help from my friends, of course, I think it's rare that anyone sees it in themselves without any help at all) and seeking psychiatric help quickly - I'd seen one of my closest friends, a girl who really is like a sister to me, spiral down the slope of not getting the treatment she needed and she eventually ended up in a live-in psychiatric clinic for over a month with severe depression and anorexia nervosa. Having dealt with that and seen how much it destroyed both her and the people who cared about her, myself included, it wasn't a risk I was gonna take. She's doing incredibly well for herself nowadays, incidentally - lately the shoe's been on the other foot and it's been her supporting me through things, something which I can't really express how thankful I am for.

There's a very good short story (which also has a reading on YouTube) that my current psych showed me called I Had a Black Dog, written by a sufferer of depression and based on a quote from Winston Churchill in which he called his depression his "black dog". It's well-worth looking at, it gives an interesting perspective and some very accurate insight through the analogy.

So, to any other sufferers out there of not just depression but any mental illness, particularly those that have it much worse than I do as mine is thankfully not too severe, I've never had it go as far as serious suicidal thoughts - you're never alone. Keep the people who care about you close, don't give up or let your guard down and you can get through anything - it may feel like running against a brick wall at points, but stay strong and the wall will break before you do.

To close my thoughts out and absolutely at the risk of being a massive hipster by quoting song lyrics, Watch Me Rise by Have Heart, one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite bands, puts it quite nicely I think:

So I say to the slaves of depression
And sing the sweet redeeming song
About living this life free and long

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Decimate steps down from froyotech in News

Grant "HYS" Vincent, leader of The Froyotech Resort, has announced his weekly unexpected roster changes for the 4th week of ESEA Invite. Having played every other fragging class already, Grant has now moved back to his traditional role of Heavy with the shocking news that, due to the inherent limitations of only having 5 other players to cut, Froyo are now a Highlander team. Grant is predicted to take a minimum of 80% heals in this new position.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 ETF2L S23 W1: LEGO vs. Team Infused in Matches

Thai to go huge, guaranteed or your money back

posted about 9 years ago
#140 what are you listening to right now? in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 9 years ago
#67 tf2 players with the best voice in Off Topic

djc, cbear, Salamancer, Admirable. WAR's monotone droning has a charm to it.

Hafficool also has a pretty cool voice.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Viaduct : Sun or Snow in Map Discussion
EricC_Some maps look good with snow. Viaduct isn't one of them.What? Viaduct was obviously made for snow, because several map design choices only make sense with snow, e.g. very slanted roofs, spruce trees, logs half-buried in the ground.

I don't really think reskinning a map is what Valve means when they say they want to adjust their maps for competitive play. Adding the connector would be an example of a meaningful and plausible development.

It may not be what they have in mind but it is also true that, regardless of looks in the sense of aesthetics and being generally visually pleasant, snow maps are generally less suitable as competitive maps because of the associated FPS issues and, bluntly, the fact that staring at pure white for a whole match is more of a strain on the eyes for a lot of people (myself included) than staring at greens and blues. Because of that I definitely think it's worth discussing.

With that said, it is true that it's probably not what they initially have in mind, and that adding connector, the reshaping of China and so on are much more necessary and much more plausible changes.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 ETF2L Season 23 Premiership teams confirmed in News

Shaping up to be a pretty interesting season, particularly with Coalplant back in the rotation.

GLHF to all, particularly Thaigrr and the Infused boys - looking forward to seeing him smash some nerds in Prem, especially after he ended up stuck subbing for and exasperatedly trying to help out our clowny team of Open degenerates by the end of last season when he should've been taking High by storm.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Help me correct my essay in Off Topic
RubyRosesummoning vanguard

yes hello

If you do still desperately want or need help with this add me on Steam, I feel these things are easier to work through with a real-time discourse so there can be some back-and-forth, rather than just listing a whole bunch of stuff at you.

I am not a linguist (nor Australian, unfortunately), my qualifications basically boil down to enjoying writing and the English language and people telling me I've apparently done written good thing a few times, but I'll help as much as I can if you need it. To clarify a little, from an initial skim through I actually think there's very little I'd suggest changing and most things are minor details, some of which are dependent on the context and intended "feel" of the piece anyway. Still though, hit me up if you do wanna go through a few things.

posted about 9 years ago
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