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Signed Up October 7, 2016
Last Posted January 25, 2025 at 10:46 PM
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#44 lft advanced soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump for denver lan (NOT philly lan)

posted 1 month ago
#43 lft advanced soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

tentative bump

posted 7 months ago
#35 RGL S13 Div-1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

RGL I appreciate a lot of the back end gritty work you guys do for us when it comes to running a league, but idk why this is still a thing.

The top 4 teams (Topes Mafia, Denis Died at Daycare, Our team SuperZAZABomb, and Retirement Realm) are having their seedings determined completely by some whack scheduling. Apparently playoffs is going to go ahead with top 6, and according to this screenshot from the RGL Team Leader Channels, the top 2 teams are getting bye weeks starting off. If that's the case, then why are some of the locked in top 4 playoff teams playing against each other and others not? We played Denis's team (2nd seed vs 3rd seed), we won but lost our other match, so we stayed at 3rd. Why aren't we just running all the top 4 teams playing against each other so that we can try and get better seeding amongst each other? Our team should stay at 3rd because we lost our chance to overtake 2nd by losing our match against the firesidecasts team, so why does our team have the chance to overtake 2nd thru beating a non playoffs team and 4th seed, while 2nd seed has to fight 1st seed to maintain their 2nd seed???? Why are the playoff teams that have their bye week advantage fighting against each other instead of playing the other playoff teams to potentially cause upsets, like 1st seed vs 3rd and 2nd seed vs 4th???;

Also something I don't understand is why these teams aren't just versing each other. MEELO is getting screwed because they have to play against the #2 seed team while the other playoff bubble teams have much easier matches compared to them. Francis Followers literally has a Bye week and then they play the worst team in the div and then they can be 9 - 7 going into playoffs?????? Why not have the 8-6 teams playoff teams play against the 7-7 teams since that gives the chance for upsets to happen between playoff bubble teams that will change who will make playoffs or not? I think having the pool of 6 teams playing against each other would make things so much more interesting rather than the random amalgamation of matches that happened for the last two weeks of the season.;

posted about a year ago
#23 RGL S13 Div-1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Any knowers as to why its mid day on monday and there are still 0 matches posted for any division, let alone div-1?;

posted about a year ago
#54 Fireside Casts Updates in Projects;

The specialized vanxi G6 tanktop looks kinda fire.

posted about a year ago
#6 Local host philly pictures in LAN Discussion

posted about a year ago
#2 chell lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Will grind

posted about a year ago
#40 lft advanced soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

not lft anymore

posted about a year ago
#4 bigbank lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

goated teammate, goated dm

posted about a year ago
#67 RGL S12 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

ggs guys, we got chell team to 3rd place


posted about a year ago
#9 rgl discussion thread in TF2 General Discussion

Something else that needs to be mentioned is the fact that for the past 3 or 4 seasons, there has been a very delayed map pool announcement. The most notification about which maps are in the rotation that I can remember was a week before the first match, while this past season I'm pretty sure we only had confirmation about the map pool the weekend right before the first match, so around 2-3 days before.

I think that we should know the map pool at least a month before the season begins, especially for Advanced if we want to continue having pick/bans during the regular season. Most good preparation is going to be pre season while when the season starts you're just refining your teams map strats and plays, and now because we didn't know [volatile map #3] was going to be in the map pool, now we have to try and fit in practicing that map and ultimately deciding to just perma ban it for the rest of the season, which is pretty much what happens with most advanced teams.

I'm not sure how RGL would like to fit that time in, maybe right after map pool surveys or some time after, but I do know that this is a change that really needs to happen.

posted about a year ago
#25 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion


posted about a year ago
#39 lft advanced soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 2 years ago
#1 lfp advanced in Recruitment (looking for players)

No longer looking

posted about 2 years ago
#38 lft advanced soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 2 years ago
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