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SteamID64 | 76561198089852954 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:129587226] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:64793613 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | October 7, 2016 |
Last Posted | January 25, 2025 at 10:46 PM |
Posts | 166 (0.1 per day) |
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Monitor |
Name: Vanxi (in game name nos)
Country: USA
Tick: 25900 / Desc: Airshot on soldier strafing away
mathemaphysicistGrant Vincent
Follow Follow @4G_b4nny
So @teamfortresstv rushed out their @Se7enTF2 article in a matter of hours while we’re still waiting on those @OMNI5GG @MnTEsports and Fin articles from at least a week ago. Favoritism and politics couldn’t possibly be getting in the way of actual reporting right?
4:46 PM - 9 Sep 2018
bleghfarec The reformed roster sees the return of Raymon and kaptain, who had previously left the team after their second-place finish at Rewind II
bleghfarec second-place finish at Rewind II
See now I've always flicked super hard (soldier main) for most of my comp experience but I think it would benefit my aim more if I started tracking instead of flicking, but everytime I try to track it always ends up devolving into flicking a lot. How do I get it in my head to just track shots more?
I want these newbies to have a dedicated mentor. Personally, my first newbie mix team died before the season even started because our coach decided to stop coaching us due to some reasons. I don’t want any newbies to go through what I had to go through, so I hope that this seasons batch of newbies doesn’t have to deal with that kind of disappointment.
1600 dpi
2 in game
5.1 in/360
soldier main
inexperienced med, willing to play for you as long as you turn the other cheek when I drop
Alright, thanks for the help everyone, I'll look into all of these options
I've just tried to and it says that I already have the best mouse drivers for my device
So I've had this problem for a while where sometimes while in game where I'll move my mouse and TF2 won't register it and it fucks up a lot of my gameplay at the most inconvenient times. Does anyone know what I can do to help get this problem fixed, or should I just invest in getting a new mouse?
Mouse is iBUYPOWER MOU-IBP-003 Gaming Optical Mouse
how would I go about filing a support ticket against this team if they're dead, like what things would I need to point the esea admins to, etc.