This thread in particular is odd because you are trying to get your stream promoted before you've really put out any content with it. It's great that you guys are preparing to host a quality stream, but I've never seen a stream get partnered here based on ambition alone. Most people on the sidebar streamed consistently for weeks or months before applying. Judging from data on SocialBlade, you don't stream very often at all. The last thing you streamed seems to be Portal 2. And out of the ~850 members of your community, only 77 people seem to have visited the stream in the 4 months it's existed, so the claims that you "should have a good turnout" seem unfounded. Don't even know why you brought them up since viewership isn't real criteria. TF2 content is.
While you've said a lot about yourself and the community you represent, you were rather vague on fully explaining the plans of the stream aside from production value, until Slin basically interrogated you for details. I don't mean to be a jerk, but I have to admit that to me this feels more like you're trying to promote your community at large, than promote TF2.