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SteamID64 76561198024933829
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Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up October 24, 2012
Last Posted July 7, 2017 at 12:33 AM
Posts 210 (0 per day)
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#9 [STREAM] The Taco Stream in Requests

This thread in particular is odd because you are trying to get your stream promoted before you've really put out any content with it. It's great that you guys are preparing to host a quality stream, but I've never seen a stream get partnered here based on ambition alone. Most people on the sidebar streamed consistently for weeks or months before applying. Judging from data on SocialBlade, you don't stream very often at all. The last thing you streamed seems to be Portal 2. And out of the ~850 members of your community, only 77 people seem to have visited the stream in the 4 months it's existed, so the claims that you "should have a good turnout" seem unfounded. Don't even know why you brought them up since viewership isn't real criteria. TF2 content is.

While you've said a lot about yourself and the community you represent, you were rather vague on fully explaining the plans of the stream aside from production value, until Slin basically interrogated you for details. I don't mean to be a jerk, but I have to admit that to me this feels more like you're trying to promote your community at large, than promote TF2.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Black Friday(-ish) thread? in Hardware

Just had this list of pretty decent hardware sales pop up on my twitter feed, thought I'd link it up here. I'm trying to wait til next weekend to make any purchases, but I'm very tempted to choose between picking up the GTX 760 (been lookin at this guy for a minute tbh) or the Z97 and a new cpu.

Anyone else know of any good deals going on now or coming up soon?

posted about 10 years ago
#46 How do you dry yourself? in Off Topic
drakbut seriously, please, slick off water before drying yourself off

it makes drying easier, so much easier

you actually get dry

i just tried this for the first time in my life after reading this thread
i have never felt so foolish in my life, i feel like i've been had

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Oldest Comp TF2 video? in TF2 General Discussion

A quick Google search (edit: also zooob, woops) says this was in November 2007, so this is likely the oldest video you could find for 6v6. Really interesting to see how different everything was. One team running 2 demos, and an engie on each side, what a RUSH

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Overwatch (Blizzard Game) in Other Games

Looks closer to Brink or Dirty Bomb imo. Still interesting though, looking forward to an open beta.

edit: here's a link to the gameplay trailer

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Good AM3+ CPU For TF2? in Hardware

Both of those things are what I had planned on upgrading to. Now I don't know what to think. Do you run on high settings or an older config?

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Good AM3+ CPU For TF2? in Hardware
downpourthere arent any
get an intel mobo + an i7 instead
i have the FX-8350, its very mediocre for TF2, dip below 120 on midfights and pubs and HL are a lost cause

dang, i was actually looking to get one during holiday sales. thanks for the headsup

posted about 10 years ago
#21 ︻╦╤──Looking for a team in Recruitment (looking for team)

guys don't be mean. just enjoy the songs

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Sm4sh? in Other Games

not sure if anyone can play at this hour, but I'll drop my FC and add the ones posted

2363 7044 1787

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth in Other Games

Waited 40 minutes, nothing happened.

Restarted Steam, tried again, it works. ymmv

posted about 10 years ago
#48 Favorite Superhero? in Off Topic

Batman and Deadpool are rad, but I feel cheesy for only having read series about those two


god characters are boring, superman is boring, sorry

posted about 10 years ago
#52 No more camwhores on twitch in Off Topic
Moritzare those even real holy crap, i know they're implants but i cant imagine someone walking with those things
oh my fucking god

slut shaming while parading THOSE THINGS about
victim blaming in the same breath as advocating equality.
she really knows her demographic. dear lord in heaven

posted about 10 years ago
#10 No more camwhores on twitch in Off Topic

rip calebhart's shirtless runs

posted about 10 years ago
#6 YouTube Channel Thread in Off Topic

who's your guys' fav russian?

i love the dance style of Спортивный костюм кроссовки

posted about 10 years ago
#50 How long have you been around? in Off Topic

Started playing in fall 2010, probabaly have been to every corner of TF2 (pub communities, custom game modes, trade/idle, even "friendly" servers *shudder*). Started playing competitive on a whim since maybe late 2011 when someone in a pub I was a regular in asked me to play medic for the community team. Been playing HL and 6s off and on since then. I get burnt out way too often to stick around and get good, but I keep coming back anyway.

posted about 10 years ago
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