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Country Bulgaria
Signed Up May 6, 2017
Last Posted June 12, 2019 at 12:16 PM
Posts 523 (0.2 per day)
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#45 Harassment in this community: It needs to stop. in TF2 General Discussion
PJCDude, you told a trans person who is being harassed for being trans to stop being so sensitive. I don't know why it's so hard for you to understand why that's a really stupid thing to say.

What I did was tell her that the slurs and offenses she receives over a videogame should be ignored by her, and that she SHOULD NOT be so sensitive. I did not say "Stop being so sensitive". English is your first language I'm genuinely amazed that you do not see the difference.

I don't know what kind of worlds you live in, but here nobody is going to take special care of your feelings later in life. Obviously changing how much you get affected by something is not done overnight - it takes times, and that is what the person in particular should aim for. Because one day it might happen to her in real life, and if she barely manages to cope with it in a videogame, the effects from bumping into it first hand would be devastating.

posted about 5 years ago
#44 Harassment in this community: It needs to stop. in TF2 General Discussion
NursayGod v!s you are actually so fucking dumb and it’s mind boggling how you lack the basic empathy it takes to understand anyone in this situation. One simple thing you can’t seem to get pass through your thick skull is that you’re not allowed to dictate how someone feels. If something bothers someone you don’t tell them “well it shouldn’t.” That is something even a kindergartener can understand. People like you are why people keep getting away like this in our community.

Your reading skills are actually COMPLETELY lacking, holy fucking shit. The empathy that I might express will not help her as much as a SOLID piece of advice that she should try to adopt. Where did you even READ that I said she MUST feel one way or another? When I tell her that she SHOULD be less sensitive, this means that she SHOULD set it as a milestone to achieve in the future. If something bothers someone and it shouldn't bother them, you DO tell them "it shouldn't bother you", because it literally shouldn't.

NursayYou’d rather everyone keep quiet and hope a force with power will MAGICALLY find out what is going on. Some of these people don’t even get the same right as you do to just browse the internet and have fun. Not only is there this OP but multiple members of the community who have to deal with this shit EVERY DAY. Telling them to stay silent and just “ignore it” is ignorant and anyone who thinks that was truly the only way to prevent any of this are probably the type who also stay in silence and just let it go. VisI'm not saying you should not call out such behaviour... Collect all the evidence you need and drop it off here, trigger a chain reaction from different leagues to speak up about this...

I swear to god you have brain damage of some kind, like I call you out for not being able to read and you keep arguing without understanding anything you read. Dr. V!s advises you to look through your empty bookshelves and take an important notice.

NursayAlso another thing a kindergartner would understand is when MULTIPLE people are telling you that you’re wrong and you feel the need to defend yourself down to the most minor of points - you’re probably fucking wrong. Of course as we all know, your ego is too big and too precious to even come close to admit you’re “even remotely wrong” about a situation like this.

Your thinking capacity is indeed restricted to such of a kindergartener when you fail to realise that none of the points stated from other people manage to present any solid arguments against my point, but instead either say something true but off-topic, or they simply don't even understand what I've said - much like yourself. I don't fucking care if you are part of LGBT+ Nursey, when your personality is absolutely trash as you have already proven multiple times, I will not show any kind of respect towards you.

posted about 5 years ago
#36 Harassment in this community: It needs to stop. in TF2 General Discussion
PJCTrans people are constantly under fire in their everyday lives, so yeah I don't think it's reasonable to tell them to "just stop being so sensitive".

Where did you even read me telling all the trans people to stop being so sensitive? I told this particular person so, because the reasons over which they got upset are really nothing compared to what other people are subject to, this is the lightest form of harassment she has endured and it already hit her very badly. You said it yourself, they are under fire in their everyday lives, taking everything so personally is literally a death sentence.

funhaver1998cause the motivation behind it is because shes trans. nothing wrong with stream sniping and taunting but the reason why is because of her identity

Where did I ask what the motivation was or did I defend stream sniping or did I ask why she got harassed? I just don't understand what you are trying to counter-argue here

posted about 5 years ago
#33 Harassment in this community: It needs to stop. in TF2 General Discussion
PJC"Hey person of a minority group that is constantly under fire in their everyday lives, stop being so sensitive!"

How is being stream sniped by getting focused on casual "constantly under fire in their everyday lives". How is a videogame your everyday life, PJC?

posted about 5 years ago
#31 Harassment in this community: It needs to stop. in TF2 General Discussion
crib_Visyou should not be so sensitive - this is the internet, you cannot expect it to be totally friendly at any given time.Its much harder to ignore constant targeted harassment than a random person on the internet saying a slur. She did block him and call him out, and he kept on doing it for over a year.

From reading both sides of the argument, the harassment seems to not have even been constant. Even if it was, a fairly content person would not get affected by the opinion of others over the internet. I'm by no means defending whatever Scratchh or his friends did, but her life will be unnecessarily harder is she to get affected simply by strangers in a videogame. Barely dealing with this, how would she cope with the situation if it happened in real life? That's why she needs to learn not to be so sensitive, nobody will caress her with a feather

posted about 5 years ago
#11 Harassment in this community: It needs to stop. in TF2 General Discussion
NursayNursay It’s gonna be embarrassing watching a community I hold so dear argue amongst themselves justifying why any of this is okay. wtzok I don’t think anyons gonna say this isn’t ok. any normal functioning human being wouldn’t do any of these things this mans just a degenerateVisHonestly this is as much your fault as is his for letting it get to you.
Took three fucking posts lmao.

Once again proving you have zero reading comprehension skills

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Harassment in this community: It needs to stop. in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly this is as much your fault as is his for letting it get to you. Obviously Scratchh has never been prominent for extraordinary brain activity that exceeds a double-digit IQ level, so you will never get him, or people alike, to realise how pathetic he is. Russians have a pretty famous saying regarding this - You can never prove an idiot that he is an idiot.

And yet, him killing you on casual and taunting you shouldn't really trigger any reaction from you, let alone going offline on 'all platforms' and keep changing servers. He probably isn't even a good player to begin with, so it's not like something you couldn't handle.

Regarding twitter, honestly, just ignore/block him. I'm not saying you should not call out such behaviour, I'm saying that you should not be so sensitive about a drawing somebody sent you in a PM over twitter. Collect all the evidence you need and drop it off here, trigger a chain reaction from different leagues to speak up about this, but in the essence of it, you should not be so sensitive - this is the internet, you cannot expect it to be totally friendly at any given time.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Do you sexually stimulate yourself using bread? in The Dumpster

Brexit. Now.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 making the sniper scope hold instead of toggle? in Customization

Use the wait command and you will crash instantly if it's not casual

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Highest playable ping? in TF2 General Discussion

200 on the scoreboard would be the max for me tbh

posted about 5 years ago
#21 PSA in The Dumpster

When you play as soldier against a demo on blands mid he will press that S into oblivion and hide behind the train. That's OK
When you play as scout and hold S into oblivion to make him activate his +forward bind that's suddenly not OK

posted about 5 years ago
#5 6vs6 Meta in official matchmaking in TF2 General Discussion
posted about 5 years ago
#39 The Ultimate Ultiduo Tournament 3 in TF2 General Discussion

Donations made by Umbra, rk, masonini and Gorrah have lifted the prize pool to 100 keys in total! The prize distribution now looks as following:

1st Place: 50 keys, 2 x 6 months premium codes, 2 x 3 months DM reserved slots
2nd Place: 30 keys, 2 x 3 months premium codes, 2 x 3 months DM reserved slots
3rd Place: 20 keys, 2 x 3 months premium codes, 2 x 3 months DM reserved slots
Top 16: 2 x 3 months DM reserved slots

All of the ultiduo action will be covered on with custom overlay, HUD and configs (not present in the videos uploaded). The Group Stages will begin at 6:00 CEST 6th April, with the last match starting at 7:30 CEST the same day.

Following my reaching out to ArraySeven, the map ultiduo_lookout_a7 with undergo several outlook changes and the respawn times will be fixed to mirror those of the traditional ultiduo maps, thus offsetting the beta version of the map.

The signups deadline is on 4th April, Thursday. Teams signed up: 100/128

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Stream Request in Requests

Covering the top level of ultiduo within the Ultimate tournaments.
Pretty self-explanatory, we have custom overlay, HUD, configs (not present in the uploaded videos).
Could be shortened to UltimateTournament for the sidebar shall the request pass.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 Intergalactic Highlander Tournament in The Dumpster

Since this is in the dumpster..


Can someone explain why this word was included in the dictionaries?

Oxford dictionaryIrregardless means the same as regardless, but the negative prefix ir- merely duplicates the suffix -less, and is unnecessary. The word dates back to the 19th century, but is regarded as incorrect in standard English

I'm in slight mental breakdown each time I pronounce this word in my head

posted about 5 years ago
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