Account Details
SteamID64 76561198077508118
SteamID3 [U:1:117242390]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:58621195
Country United States
Signed Up December 3, 2012
Last Posted December 4, 2012 at 12:31 AM
Posts 11 (0 per day)
#40 New to TF2 in Q/A Help

I tried pubbing and i dont mean to offend anyone but they seemed even worse then lobby.

Can someone give the IPs of some decent pub servers?

posted about 12 years ago
#35 New to TF2 in Q/A Help

Anyone have some rollout vids for the various classes? Had a few complaints about spawn heal order and i noticed everyone doing fancy jumps to get to the middle point.

posted about 12 years ago
#29 New to TF2 in Q/A Help

Thanks for all the help everyone :>
I am about to play my first pug.na as medic. Should be fun :D

posted about 12 years ago
#28 New to TF2 in Q/A Help

can someone help me with rocket jumping? I see people doing weird curves and stuff in MGE mod and i cant figure it out.

posted about 12 years ago
#26 New to TF2 in Q/A Help
swattYou should set up your steam community page so people can add you.

Will do. Will someone gifting me a game work? Our do i have to buy it myself?

posted about 12 years ago
#132 Collection of Custom HUDs in Customization

Someone in a pub told me i could use this to get some of my base weapons....http://gib.me/sam/

Is it safe?

posted about 12 years ago
#19 New to TF2 in Q/A Help

A bunch of people seem to have weapons i dont... Is there a way to get them without paying? What weapons do i need?

posted about 12 years ago
#14 New to TF2 in Q/A Help

Is there any way to change the color of damage text? I cant see the default very well.
Less annoying hitsounds?
View models in this game are so big they are intrusive. Anny way to make them smaller without turning them off?
The FOV limit in graphics options seems to be caped at 90. Is there a way to force it higher?

posted about 12 years ago
#9 New to TF2 in Q/A Help

This is all a little overwhelming...could someone run me though the basics? I decided i am going to play 6v6 however i dont know what class. What is most needed?

posted about 12 years ago
#7 New to TF2 in Q/A Help

can i have someone gift me a game?

posted about 12 years ago
#1 New to TF2 in Q/A Help

With TF2 coming to linux i have decided to try it out.

Few simple questions :)

In quake we have configs to make things easier to see and cut down on visual noise. Does TF2 have the equivalent of this?

I have seen streams for both 9v9 and 6v6 TF2. Which is the dominant format?

Any scripts and such i should know about?

I cant seem to add friends on Steam. How do i do it?

TF2 lobby seems like trash. Are there any better alternatives?

Are there any training mods for TF2?

Suggested servers?

posted about 12 years ago