It's not your fault really, I still don't understand why ETF2L include maps that aren't complete/RC, if you add a map that's in beta to a map pool PLOT TWIST IT MIGHT NOT BE RECEIVED WELL.
Not only that but the massive hype the EU double mix circlejerk gave it was also really bad for the map, especially as everyone was thinking it was amazing when again, people in double mixes won't always try and there's no consequence for losing, you won't find out how shitty pushing or holding various sections of the maps are because nobody is trying to win that bad.
It's probably best to just ask to add a newer version in rotation and still talk to the double mix guys to get some more feedback, just take it with a pinch of salt when someone says x is good but y is fucking terrible..
logjam not being in the map pool is probably the best thing that could have happened to the map as now you won't be rushing to "fix" shit to make it play better for the new season.