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SteamID64 76561197995652461
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Country Argentina
Signed Up August 31, 2015
Last Posted March 25, 2018 at 6:59 PM
Posts 47 (0 per day)
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#68 Colour test in Off Topic

Best score for your gender and age range: -24350 nice

This is bs tbh, so many monitor settings and ICC involved. Also after looking for a while you get "color fatigue", watching for long enough fatigues the cones in your retina and thus everything looks the same lol

posted about 8 years ago
#19 I have a sensitivity problem... in Q/A Help
ShpeeismeDaytondo you get the same fps on both set ups?No, on the laptop I het something like 50 fps and pn the computer 300 in Call areas and 100 in fights

When I had to use an old PC with low FPS my sensitivity was way different and "stuttery", even when I was using the same mouse with the same settings. Try checking your sensitivity inside an empty server with higher fps and check if it feels different.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 interp problems in TF2 General Discussion
tinnin my autoexec i have cl_interp 0.0152, and ingame when i type cl_interp into the console I see it as 0.0152. But while playing I see (from net_graph 1) that my interp is 29.9 (or 0.0299). It's happened once before and i was able to fix it, but this time i'm unable too. Any suggestions?

Did you enter the whole rates? (cmdrate, updaterate, interp_ratio)
I don't remember the math, but for 15.2 you need at least cmd/updaterate of 66.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 quick quention in Off Topic
yttriumKellahaleenn isnt even close to s wtfdvorak?


seriously benefit of the doubt here because k and m aren't close on dvorak

You are too kind.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Svchost.exe taking up way too much memory??? in Q/A Help

Stop the Windows Update service, I don't know why it happens.
When you're not using your PC open Windows Update and let it update normally.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Team Infused Return in TF2 General Discussion

Always loved konr's playstyle. Finally got his moment.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Server changes map automatically after timelimit. in Q/A Help
f_blueGo to tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins on the server's FTP and move nextmap.smx to the disabled folder.

Did that, still changes after hit the timelimit.


posted about 9 years ago
#8 mm update in Q/A Help
EricDanceNumberas long as u are in dx9 you can use whatever non-cheat commands you want.Is this new information? The Q&A video mentioned that certain commands would be restricted.

Even in the Q&A video he said, there are a lot of useless commands in the FPS configs. I would not be surprised if the game on default starts going way better than with a FPS cfg.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Resolution Poll in Customization
Stochast1cThe reason why I created the poll was for hud editing because element sizes and positioning can change depending on the resolution that you run. A hud that was created for 1080p might not look "right" on a 640x480 resolution. Knowing what resolutions the majority of the competitive playerbase uses is a helpful resource when creating a hud, so that the time spent editing benefits the most people. Native tells us none of these things.

I see, I thought it was just another "pointless pool". Sorry for the prejudgement.

posted about 9 years ago
#43 AGDQ 2016 in Off Topic
Foxfightsuper metroid aka the moment everyone's been waiting for coming up sooni regret waiting for this run tbh :<

also they broke $1 million!

Aaaanddd... they broke 1.2M. PogChamp

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Resolution Poll in Customization

"Native" should be instead of all those options.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Demo Playback stuttering in Q/A Help

lol slawer, try using a different lerp, also limit fps. Might help.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Server changes map automatically after timelimit. in Q/A Help
deykuzormp_tournament 1; mp_tournament_restart; mp_timelimit 0 try those with rcon and see what happens.

That's what I do, but requires after every match input the timelimit 0, what would happen if there's no admin around?

f_blueGo to tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins on the server's FTP and move nextmap.smx to the disabled folder.

Will try that, thanks.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Server changes map automatically after timelimit. in Q/A Help

I tried a lot of things, I don't know which command is the problem or why it happens.
I have a 6v6 server where we play, everytime the timelimit reaches 0 it automatically changes to the next map and it's really annoying. It gives a span of ten seconds and then changes. I would like to it just stop and leave SOAP until rtv or admin change. I tried using different configs, changing nextmap/rtv plugins. I don't know what else to modify, any help is appreciated! Thank you.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 What should be the maximum FOV? in TF2 General Discussion
sage78Quikeven most quake pros use 90 (106-110 on quake engine)
for example gaiia, hal_9000

so people who want to have 120 in tf2 because they have 120 in ql, actually want to have 100 in tf2 not fucking 120
why is FOV 90 106-110 on quake?
i see a lot of people using 100 or more in quake live

Quake =/= Quake Live
Also, playing with more than 110 in quake the "fov benefits" don't compensates the loss of aim by making the enemy and everything else way smaller.

posted about 9 years ago
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