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Last Posted February 19, 2018 at 6:10 PM
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#28 ESA Rewind Feedback in LAN Discussion
Failw1zardThe shadow run guys were super nice, for them atleast, this sort of cross game out reach was a really big deal, and I hope we see more of it in the future, because rewind could almost single handedly revive shadow run.

Some people believe that Shadowrun got backward compatability on Xbox One because of Rewind.

It really is an awesome game.

posted about 7 years ago
#15 ESA Rewind Feedback in LAN Discussion
saamWadeESAsaamConsidering how much players were lied to about this lan I would want serious proof of anything ESA claims they will have for their next event before I even thought about going.
What did we lie to people about?

It was never promised but I just assumed since we were at the 'Esports Arena' there would be 144hz monitors, it wasn't mentioned otherwise until like 2 weeks before the event.

b4nny lied about the prize pool to get EVL and 20b (and maybe the foreign teams) to go, saying it was going to be at least 15k.

We were told the open tournament would be group stages and then a double elim bo3 brakcte. it ended up only being a double elim bo1.

We were told open grand finals would be streamed.

Invite teams were all promised to have 144hz monitors, but 20b and EVL both played all of their Friday scrims on 60hz because their monitors weren't there yet.

Not something promised but I was expecting chairs that didn't feel like a screwdriver was being jammed into my neck if if I sat in them for more than 20 minutes.

Fair points.

Monitors: I mentioned above. We were supposed to have 144hz monitors for everyone. Things happen and it didn't work out in time. We did our best to ensure the Invite tournament was played on 144hz.

Chairs: I agree. They aren't up to par and it's something we're working on.

Open Bracket Format: I actually was not aware that any format was promised to everyone. My Tournament Director made the best decision he could to ensure the event happened taking into consideration the number of teams who registered (more than we anticipated) and the number of stations available.

Streaming Open Bracket Finals: We wanted too, but couldn't fit it in the schedule. A complete Round Robin for seeding was determined necessary. In order to fit the tournament into two days we needed to cut the open finals from the stage. I apologize for that, but sometimes you have to make decisions that aren't the most fun.

Prize Pool: I would have loved for it to be higher. A large onus for that is on the community (but I'm not blaming the community. You all made this event happen). Had 5,000 people donated $1, the prize pool would have been $18,000+. Esports Arena put everything we could as a company into the prize pool, and the players (we lost a decent chunk of money on the event). But aside from that, b4nny does not speak for Esports Arena.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 ESA Rewind Feedback in LAN Discussion
Rikachupretty sure he's just talking about the 144hz for everyone

Ah, gotcha. Yeah we were super disappointed about that, but in no way were we deliberately lying to people.

We signed a new contract for 144hz monitors that were supposed to be delivered prior to Rewind (along with 100 new PCs). Both of which got delayed at the last minute till either the end of this month or beginning of next.

I personally did everything I could to get as many as I could. I drove all over the LA/Anaheim area on Thursday and Friday to different monitor and PC companies begging to borrow some. Ultimately I was able to get 36 total for the Invite tournament.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 ESA Rewind Feedback in LAN Discussion
DarkdwarfI haven't seen a proper feedback thread yet, and I want to write down my thoughts before I forget everything...

Good LAN
  • Truktruk's casting was really good.
  • The analysis of Kaidus/Showstopper was phenomenal. This aspect of the big TF2 lans just keep getting better.
  • Low downtime on the stream.
  • The games between Froyo and Se7en was enjoyable.
  • From what I saw of the eXtine-interviews, they were a lot better than at i58. Better flow between the questions, etc.
  • EVL stepping up to challenge Se7en.

  • The sound mixing on the analyst desk. Getawhale was a lot louder than the other analysts, most notably Kaidus/Showstopper. Some discrepancy is fine, but now and then it was so big that I adjusted the volume of the stream depending on who spoke.
  • On that same note, Getawhale interrupted the other analysts too often, instead of letting them finish their thoughts.
  • Slin's bias against Se7en was too noticable.
  • The observing was slightly off towards the end of the lan.
  • That weird sliding between spectated players that was used sometimes was... weird? Idk, it didn't really add something for me. Perhaps it's a thing that you have to get used to.
  • The transitions from casters to analysts were too drawn out sometimes. Imo they should happen more or less immediately after the game.

A lot of the sound mixing was down to repositioning of microphones. Our director would have a setting for each person but with the headsets coming on and off and the mic being different distances from the mouth it does make it tricky. But It's something we'll certainly work on in the future. We'll also be getting another headset because the handheld for the 3rd analyst didn't work as well as we would have liked.

Thank you for all your feedback!

MenachemThere were a few negatives as well, but the main one for me was the quality of the camerawork itself. I think Tino did everything humanly possible for one person to bring us the best viewpoint, but there was still a lot of good moments that were completely missed. Add one or two people onto the camera crew and I don't see why those issues can't be completely fixed. I'm also assuming LAN STV works the same as online STV? If there are several minutes of delay between the actual action and it getting replayed on STV, I don't see why we would ever have to miss a good moment.

All in all the stream quality was really high compared to the last few LANs I've seen. Few delays, excellent interviews, actual analysis (the desk at i58 should have been renamed to the meme desk), and I'm sure the team view during the matches was a positive. Good stuff.

Tino was awesome. We were originally supposed to have two dedicated observers but one had to cancel at the last minute. The LAN STV does not operate on a delay, so we did our best to capture all the key moments, but with 12 phenomenal players all making things happen you can't capture everything. But like I said I was extremely impressed with Tino.

saamConsidering how much players were lied to about this lan I would want serious proof of anything ESA claims they will have for their next event before I even thought about going.

What did we lie to people about?

posted about 7 years ago
#62 esa lan thanks thread in TF2 General Discussion

Shiiiit fuck typing on a phone! But seriously. Thank you Steve.

posted about 7 years ago
#60 esa lan thanks thread in TF2 General Discussion

Shout out to all the fine people who helped me put this event on.

Our fine casting and analyst team. Getawhale, kaidus, bren, truktruk, fragile, dreamboat, maelaa, slin and extine.

To our production team who worked crazy hours to bring you the show. Thanks Todd (Director) Sam (Graphics Operator) Kyle (Replay Operator) and Tino (Observer) and DrShadowPuppet (Server Admin) who ran like 12 servers by himself. These guys did a phenomenal job!

All the volunteers we had at Esports Arena that made the event a possibility.

To Dan (Teapot) from the Halo and Shadowrun communities for the work he did to make those games happen.

To all the teams that came out from all over the world. It was amazing to meet you all. I truly felt like a part of your community!

To Dashner who created the textures in game for us and loves this community more than anyone I think. Can't wait for the Doc.

To everyone that let me interview them for the documentary I'm working on! You were all amazing

To Cody and all those at Weedmaps for making this event the spectacle it deserved to be.

To marketplace.tf for always supporting TF2 to the fullest.

I'm sure I'm forgetting so many people but I just want to say how much I truly enjoyed making this event a possibility. I would love to have a Rewind 2.0 and don't see a reason why it wouldnt happen!

Thank you so much to everyone that tuned in and watched the event. From everyone at Esports Arena, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

P.S. A massive shout-out to Samiface who I didn't forget, I just like to give her a hard time. This was the first event she's worked on since joining our team here at Esports Arena and I think it's safe to say it was a great success. Amazing job Samantha. I'm proud of you!

posted about 7 years ago
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