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Signed Up June 8, 2013
Last Posted July 30, 2019 at 9:42 PM
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#23 Baby Crab in Off Topic
LemonWafflesThat^ made me wonder... Has anyone done a documentary on the "Endangered Spy Crab" yet?http://bit.ly/11BXK0c
google does wonders.

So does coffee, but I haven't had enough yet this morning...

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Baby Crab in Off Topic

That^ made me wonder... Has anyone done a documentary on the "Endangered Spy Crab" yet?

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Baby Crab in Off Topic

But really, that's pretty awesome. Reminds me of all the little baby crablets I saw in the tide pools when I went to the ocean for the first time.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Baby Crab in Off Topic

And yet when I post pictures of MY crabs, I just get flagged for inappropriate content...

posted about 11 years ago
#177 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

I think a good change that could be made to the Short Circuit, would be to make it a constant-fire weapon like the flamer, but with a heavy drain rate. This could reward the ones who are better with timing by making it use less (maybe 20-25 metal in a burst?) and make it more appealing to the less practised players by allowing them to get more of a guarantee that it will actually clean up projectiles (at the cost of the majority of their metal)

posted about 11 years ago
#89 Mason dropped from Classic Mixup in TF2 General Discussion
danboyo the real acesgamer just told u

Never knew he was actually interested in competitive.. Well then, should I apologize once I'm done choking on my foot?

posted about 11 years ago
#305 stream highlights in Videos
cbearhttp://www.twitch.tv/cbear/c/2389785 - learn to triple rocket jump!

http://www.twitch.tv/cbear/c/2389794 - What are the chances of this? Seriously. Brian...?

This makes me think we need a highlight reel for cbear's facial expressions...

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Solocast of Tri hards vs Top Guns on ze youtubes in TF2 General Discussion

Will have to watch after work, since I was too busy watching the HRG vs Mix^ match to catch it.
Speaking of which, gotta thank you for dropping in for the save there!

posted about 11 years ago
#83 Mason dropped from Classic Mixup in TF2 General Discussion
TurinWelcome to the tf2 community, where we can join together to send two teams across the world for the cost of 20,000 dollars, and then we immediately turn and call each other shitlords.

Don't forget raising $35k in one weekend for sending children with cancer to camp!

posted about 11 years ago
#66 Mason dropped from Classic Mixup in TF2 General Discussion

Edit: Compliance. See post below.

posted about 11 years ago
#61 Mason dropped from Classic Mixup in TF2 General Discussion

Rumor I've heard is that Acesgamer is making his invite debut tonight as pocket-roaming demoscout for HRG, and B4nny is taking over as med for Mix^.

Show Content
But hey, that's just a rumor.
posted about 11 years ago
#59 Mason dropped from Classic Mixup in TF2 General Discussion
CloudmakerSmaka on med - http://sizzlingstats.com/stats/23074

Reading their chat log... xD

posted about 11 years ago
#85 Tip of the Hats: TF2 Item Ideas in TF2 General Discussion

Renhet, everything you have drawn so far has just been epic... I can see myself now, running around wearing the water wings and shark hat[Jaws for a cause?](shark wearing raccoon, which is wearing a Shitwizard cap[The Septic Sorceror?])

Thinking those water wings could have a ribbon on them maybe?

posted about 11 years ago
#82 Tip of the Hats: TF2 Item Ideas in TF2 General Discussion
LorgPowerofTowerI always assumed tip of the hats would be a different charity each time (I don't know why), but I'm fine with sending more kids to camp. I think it should be an all class melee weapon that's a stick with toasted marshmallows or hot dogs on the end (maybe a smoke particle effect?). Other than that the water wings are also a good idea.
This. This. This. I love the idea of "flaming" and blackened as a style. And normal, so it looks like a marshmallow.

What if the marshmallow could be lit on fire by a friendly pyro, thus lighting enemies on fire when hit? Fire lasts for X seconds before the marshmallow goes black and deals reduced damage.

also, +1 on water wings

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Tip of the Hats feedback in TF2 General Discussion

One YouTuber I was surprised to not see there was Jerma985.. Considering his personality and association with STAR_, the event was basically made for him to partake in!

posted about 11 years ago
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