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Last Posted February 20, 2025 at 1:33 PM
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#28 can we ban this guy in TF2 General Discussion
FacThis is what was posted prior that got still and dawdle banned for a year on tf2center. From what I recall people claimed it was shaky evidence but these claims are far from new. It’s like almost an understood thing that they’re always fishy


What makes this evidence weak?

posted 2 weeks ago
#136 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
cookieWasabiiAnyone got any proof for this fucker to be banned yet?

He's on a fragging class now, and I am sure there has to be tons of evidence by now. I checked homeboy's logs and saw him running that short stop again. Surely he wouldnt cheat again on that weapon RIGHT??

Maybe he really wasnt cheating this whole time? That'd be a twist

Time stamp that shit and send it to AC.
You got the demo this happened?

posted 2 weeks ago
#42 Yen Situation in TF2 General Discussion
demonkingI would like to thank RGL AC team for banning this amazing prodigy before he could ruin more seasons by changing his cursor direction sharply as the soldier changes his direction from left to right

https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198112849005 This you bud? Or one of your many alts?

Let me pull up your history brother. WE GOT:
BanReason: SMAC Eye Test Violation
BanReason: SMAC ConVar r_drawothermodels violation
Banned from scrap.tf??? (LOL)

If only RGL would actually ban degens like you that terrorize community servers, but they decide to play dumb until those degens get caught later down the line.

posted 1 month ago
#38 Yen Situation in TF2 General Discussion
Shredder2600garmyen6garmYou're going to have to explain a lot of the clips that people have posted and probably explain how you are inexplicably good for such little time/logs on some of the classes you play (scout mainly) if you want people to take you seriously.

Ignoring all the other clips in this video I don't even know how this is possible or what the explanation for something like this could be other than it being some aimbot bug.

Check this out, b4nny reviewed that 91% accuracy FAN demo and the clip you linked: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2367421155?t=02h27m29s

2:34:00 on that vod is some insane pistol tracking lmfao. I guess b4nny and his minion army didn't see anything though so your all good!
I can't believe you are the first one to notice this! He hit 5 out of 15 pistol shots. How is that humanly possible?

Brooo you have to be blind LOL. Do you see how he moves his cursor? How the cursor changes directions sharply as the soldier changes his direction from left to right?

A human could do many things, flick, smoothly transfer their crosshair, or even sit their crosshair in the middle.
The thing a human is less likely to do is QUICKLY snap back within 1-2 frames of a direction change.

posted 1 month ago
#134 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
tobiascyg[1002.4] - Content Involving Minors⚓︎

Do not sexualize children in any way.
who else remembers when rgl used this rule to ban 2 players for posting alvin and the chipmunks getting head

Yeah, they banned two people and took WAY longer to ban the actual pedo that people were complaining about.

I saw another post saying there were admins who got banned for it?

posted 1 month ago
#132 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion

Anyone got any proof for this fucker to be banned yet?

He's on a fragging class now, and I am sure there has to be tons of evidence by now. I checked homeboy's logs and saw him running that short stop again. Surely he wouldnt cheat again on that weapon RIGHT??

Maybe he really wasnt cheating this whole time? That'd be a twist

posted 1 month ago
#129 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
cygif you could communicate this to his team or any future teams that would be good, or if you could find evidence of him soliciting he should def be perma’d.

I saw you edit your shit, but I was about to say. BS that RGL doesn't ban people based on morality.

We got fuckers like GAR https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile?p=76561198079098551
Who got banned for having an edgy name about Yomps on their items.

Then you got other fuckers like jyp https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile?p=76561198208382525
Who got banned "upon request". This fucker was a nazi.

RGL DOES care what you do privately even if it is NOT ILLEGAL.

posted 1 month ago