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Signed Up March 16, 2016
Last Posted December 9, 2016 at 12:39 AM
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#1 Watercat LFT Scout/Demo Mid+ Open S24 in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've played scout for a couple seasons now, but both my teams died pretty early on. I'm looking for a team that has the potential to get into playoffs and plans to stick out the season.

Most of my demo experience is from highlander, so expect a little bit of a learning curve if you pick me up on demo. I usually get in the swing of things pretty quickly though.

I'm going to have a lot of time next season to play, so expect me to practice a lot and make most scrims and all the matches. I'm playing highlander as well, so I will probably miss Saturday-Monday stuff most of the time. I should be able to make everything else though. I am going to be gone Dec 23 - Jan 14, so I would like to get some tryouts before Christmas since I will have only a little time before the season starts.

I have pretty good aim for open, and I plan on working at it a lot more with my extra free time next season. Expect it to improve significantly. I also am a fairly strategic player. I don't really feed ever, and I try to play off my teammates. I am very open to trying out new playstyles, so I think I could fit in with a lot of different team dynamics.

Add me on steam for tryouts: http://steamcommunity.com/id/watercat5/

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Happy Bob and 6 Rockets in Videos

Bob drops as expected

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Watercat LFT Scout/Demo Mid+ Open in Recruitment (looking for team)


Looking to get on a mid-high open team as scout or demo. Looking for a team that ideally doesn't scrim more than 2-3 week days (I'm doing HL on the weekends + Monday most likely).

I am pretty good at positioning and staying alive. My aim is good, but I think my positioning/gamesense is better. I can play whatever style you need.

I show up for scrims/matches on time (15+ minutes early) and practice/watch demos on my own or as a team. Really looking to get on a solid team, so if the team needs it, I'm willing to spend ~3 hours every Tuesday-Friday night. Just be warned I might have to skip a night due to work (match nights excluded of course).

Add me to talk: http://steamcommunity.com/id/watercat5/

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Watercat LFT Scout/Demo Mid+ Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Been distracted with HL, but I'm ready for more tryouts.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Watercat LFT Scout/Demo Mid+ Open in Recruitment (looking for team)


Haven't played in ESEA before, but I figured I'd start.

I'm looking to play either scout or demo for a mid or higher tier open team (maybe even soldier if you want me to). I realize I don't have any ESEA experience, so some people might not think I should try for high open. I would encourage you to give me a chance to prove myself.

I have good DM for scout and demo, and I think I would improve dramatically with a good team that scrims often. I think my decision making is good, but I sometimes get ahead of myself when I see an opening and go in before the team is ready (which sometimes still works, but it has backfired). I'm a fairly aggressive player when given the chance. However, I'm also very good at preserving my life, and I usually took some of the least damage in the game while also getting a lot of damage and kills in my UGC 6s team I played on. I have an adaptable playstyle, so just let me know how you guys like to play, and I will try to accommodate.

I'm looking for a pretty serious team, and I'm prepared to scrim several times a week. Let me know your scrim schedule, and I'm sure I'll be able to make most of them. I want to be on a team that's looking to win and improve throughout the season, and I'm willing to attend demo reviews or whatever is necessary to achieve this.

Thanks for reading and contact me on steam for tryouts, or if you have any questions/concerns.


posted about 8 years ago