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SteamID64 | 76561197988447469 |
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Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 23, 2012 |
Last Posted | December 8, 2023 at 1:09 PM |
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Does anyone know how to change the size of "Sheet"? It affects the rest of the sheets (causing cut offs), and I'm striking out finding the right file to edit
syphi thought medals weren't added anymore
I'm guessing any new medals in this one have probably been in the works prior to their decision on medals. The TotH medals aren't new unfortunately, they're also re-used assets
BumFreezeOctalblockdoesnt seem to work on pure servers, is there any solution?BumFreezehow can i edit the match hud to use these icons from the scoreboard instead of the class portraits?Show Content
I have created a mod to do this already, you may combine said mod with your hud if you'd like to.
Here it is:
You could probably get this working on pure servers if you preloaded the icons. I'm really bad at explaining the process (nor did I come up with it) and its a bit lengthy. this also only works for files not within a VPK.
if you REALLY want to try, basically:
1. add an image panel to your main menu file that points to a vmt within <yourhud>/materials/hud/
entry in main menu file points to vmt file.
2. the vmt should then point "$baseTexture" to a vtf in vgui/replay/thumbnails/<yourfile>
vmt file points to vtf file.
someone else could probably explain this much better than me tbh but in case you're really curious. I might also be able to mess with this and see if I can get it working later
reakohow do i increase the size of my damage numbers?
Using garm3n vip konr
You'd have to add another font definition. This is the font the hud's damage number is calling for here:
The easy but kinda messy solution (assuming `NumbersMedium19OT` isn't used anywhere else in the hud) is to navigate to that file and line in your own hud file and change the "tall" value to whatever you want it to actually be
swibel_How can I make the dmg numbers bigger on broeselhud_blue? Tried editing the font number size but anything other than the stock value makes it invisible for some reason.
you have the same issue as well, and could follow the same steps:
the correct way to do this (at least from a hud developer standpoint) would be to add your own entry in your clientscheme, but it's a bit more work and you'd need to also edit your huddamageaccount file to point to the new entry as well. not really necessary if it's your personal hud
John's the best. all around weird dude (in a good way) who's great fun to play with/talk to. he was also a fragger
as marxist said, he was a huge help for the first TF2 streamers and giving them the opportunity to succeed on the platform (when sub buttons were much more exclusive/etc). last I knew, he was up there in the ranks at twitch.
him, slin, and romscout have been the big players in helping TotH when it comes to our relationship with Twitch as well (front-paging, sponsorships, etc)
2. Yeah, it's weird. Before asking questions, I usually try to look at a HUD I know has done it before. In this case, RaysHUD has done it, but I still couldn't figure it out for the life of me.
Econ.Button.PresetDefaultColorBg "150 150 150 255"
Econ.Button.PresetArmedColorBg "50 50 50 255"
Econ.Button.PresetDepressedColorBg "25 25 25 255"
are these the ones you're looking for? I haven't doublechecked to make sure these control it, but iirc at least one of these has an effect on those presets. it's how i have it commented in my hud at least
Either they were already there or someone added them recently.
They're under these names: TX | MGE NY | MGE #23 | MGE #07 | MGE SG | MGE