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Signed Up November 25, 2015
Last Posted August 29, 2017 at 8:51 PM
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#39 Game of Thrones season 7 in Music, Movies, TV
The Prince that was Promised: There are so many fan theories and changing information that I don't know what to believe. All I know is that the entire show seems to revolve around Jon Snow and his story. Danereys might seem to be separate but now we see that she is also woven into Jon Snow's story-line and not the other way around. With so many arrows pointed at Jon Snow, I have to believe he is going to be the Prince who was promised at the very end.

It's plausible that Jon actually kills Dany because in the Azor Ahai prophecy he has to murder his wife in order to forge Lightbringer and end the Long Night, however with what the show has become now it probably won't happen because of all the Dany fangirls that would probably cry endlessly if this happened

posted about 7 years ago
#38 Game of Thrones season 7 in Music, Movies, TV
Doom1This season was pretty awful. Dany burning lannisters and the army of the dead while riding on a dragon while in love with jon was literally a meme to laugh at people who thought got is a fairy tale with happy ending. Well, guess what, it's true. Sad that such a great show ended up like this.

And I'm not even counting this completely absurd suicide mission to send your leaders to capture an undead to show it to cersei. Or Varys being completely useless and having no information for Dany at all ever. Or Arya fighting a woman three times her size with a 2 inch sword and somehow being equal. Or littlefinger not doing anything for entire season and having no real plan until the last two episodes.

I agree that Varys has done pretty much nothing this season but there's not much that people like Varys or Littlefinger or even Tyrion can do with the current situation being how it is, not to mention that Qyburn took some of his little birds when he was made master of whisperers

posted about 7 years ago
#203 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

: x] : retard team is retard
(Voice) CrazyGambler: Go! Go! Go!
CSn| Rocket.Blade : The good kind of retards
legend : its a your retard

posted about 8 years ago
#201 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

Pretzel : pretty much everybody regards spy as in the top 3 hardest classes :D

posted about 8 years ago
#100 making your tf2 look blocky again in Customization
denisbitwhos kown, how make Smoke Blocky?

how the fuck is this guy still not banned wtf

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Tell me my senior quote in Off Topic

pootis xdd

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Playing on a mac in Q/A Help
sibbyowlcomethi berry have you tried the getting that smooth texture pack that a lot of users use to help boost frames?

I'm pretty sure the smooth texture pack doesn't boost frames at all

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Could Someone Do Me A HUD Favour? in Customization
SmesiWixxiNot relevant to the thread but how did you get the blue dot on the seeker crosshair? hud crosshair + ingame?vtf crosshair

So you made the dot blue/green yourself?

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Could Someone Do Me A HUD Favour? in Customization
hit marker and the buff thing (you can barely see it because i couldnt get the timing right to screenshot it)

Not relevant to the thread but how did you get the blue dot on the seeker crosshair? hud crosshair + ingame?

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Tips for eating healthy in Off Topic

Only eat toast if you made it with a car muffler

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Thalash xhair in Q/A Help
RainofLightThalashTo confirm, it's Starks edit of Seeker's Crosshair replacing the original white dot with a green one, by enabling default crosshairs and using crosshair 5 scale 26
how do you use two vtf crosshairs at the same time?

He uses the normal dot in game with scale 26 and green
E: Sorry i read it wrong, he uses default and crosshair5? ignore above post

posted about 8 years ago
#15 happy birthday dashner! in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#4 Battle Scarred: A Team Frag Movie (Edited By Ma3) in Videos

wtf is that 3rd song

posted about 8 years ago
#81 Tip of the Hats 2016 announced in News

Sideshow gopro PogChamp

posted about 8 years ago
#84 Pub catchphrases that grind your gears in TF2 General Discussion

Kitty_Von_Catsworth : I got my Noobslayer Mk.2

posted about 8 years ago
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