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Signed Up October 6, 2012
Last Posted April 18, 2016 at 12:04 AM
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#73 favorite wwe wrestler in Off Topic

Growing up it had to be Ahmed Johnson. He was this giant buff black guy that for some reason wore a shit ton of padding. Apparently he wore all that because he thought he was a luchador, dude would do some really stupid high spots and landed on his head half the time, throwing people on theirs the other half. On the last Observer Radio they talked about how Ron Simmons separated his shoulder because of how fast he jumped out of the ring when Ahmed came in with a 2x4. Very unsafe, but damned entertaining.

Right now it's Shinske Nakamura, King of Strong Style. Dude just oozes charisma.


posted about 8 years ago
#75 KaiThePhaux LFT Open Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)
DoomsdayWe played against her team in UGC silver on Viaduct 5v6 because she and her team wouldn't let us use a ringer. Her team complained about it being jittery even though they had fine pings and got an admin involved to make us change servers despite the fact that their pings were all below 100. We managed to win a round and damn near almost won a couple other rounds 5v6.

Hi! I am Wonko, Kai's last Team Leader, and I'd like to say something on her behalf! Doomsday, after we beat your team 6 v 5, did you wonder why my match comment was " :-/ " ?

If not, let me explain. Your team had 5 players. Your server did not have sv_pure 2 (that means you can cheat!), your Demoman had about 50 hours of demo, but managed to go 57-13 in the first halflogs. Don't get it yet? Let me explain. Your demoman is a cheater. In UGC you are required to list all "alternative accounts" in sequence with the one you are using. So, lets look at your demo. Right now he has 500 hours of TF2 (285 gameplay) with about 70 hours of demoman. He has 0 "paid" games, and 18 friends. He is level 0 and is under 1 year old. How. Are. You. So. Dumb. You have about 2000 hours on TF2, so did you ever wonder why your Demoman was so much better than you? It's ok, you can say I am bad, and Kai is bad, and are whole team is bad, but honestly, why do you think your demo is so good?

Ladies and Gentlemen of ESEA, the above is exactly what UGC represents. Idiots being taken advantaged of by alt accounts or hackers. As Kai's last 6's Team Leader, it is my job to let you know who she is. The bottom line, Kai is an asset to your team. She wasn't the leader of her last team, but she did everything; making scrims, going over enemy rosters, fixing server, getting backups FREAKING EVERYTHING. However, I will say that Kai is not a scout. She is a Medic, and one of very few HL medics that I think is actually better than me. She wants to play scout? Fine, let her. Her gamesense alone is enough to carry her in Open. She has also been MGE'ing a ton recently with ********* and ***** in IM, so I figure when the season starts she should be good to go.

The other Bottom Line. "Looking for an Open team to grow and learn with." Team Leaders, that's the part you should focus on.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Saam Med LFT High open- IM in Recruitment (looking for team)
MaxHaxWhy all the hate?

Saam is Lennon from UGC
Or, Saam is an idiot who let Lennon use his login info

Either way these two idiots have the same IP address, so you get a troll or a fool.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 yankee lft roamer mid/high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

hey this guy is all right, the sort of dude that you'd recommend without a second thought.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Kirby (Scout) & Yankee (Roamer) LFT S.14 ESEA-O in Recruitment (looking for team)


Kirby: After his first Newby Mix he was asked to leave or offclass (no prior 6's exp). Having him on the roster made me join the team. Kirby makes huge plays, his game sense is fantastic, but sometimes you have to reign him in a bit or else he'll try to snipe the med on every last.

Yankee: Bought esea premium before joining a team (confidence level outstanding). He is constantly on MGE/DM servers getting better, complementing Kirby's game sense with DM. The above video was months ago, and he has only gotten better.

These 2 are going to be very good players, and they deserve a team that is going to stick together. We lost our first 8 games in open, and that would cause a lot of people to start raging and a lot of teams to die, but these guys showed a level of maturity and willingness to improve that isn't seen a whole lot in comp TF2. Instead of shitting on their teammates, they worked tirelessly to better themselves. I really hope for the best with these guys, their positive attitude helped us to finish 7-9, very standup gents.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Newbie Mixes in Events

Over 100 in mumble, congrats

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Roamer LFT S14 mid open in Recruitment (looking for team)

A typical Bro conversation:


Easily one of the most entertaining players in TF2. A player who will constantly spam you with binds in game, then willing to help you improve after it is over. Despite his East Coast mentality, I believe he takes pleasure in helping people become better players, improving himself in the process.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 LFT ugc/low open pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)

^ all that plus fantastic DM

posted about 12 years ago
#24 newbie mixes tonight at 8 EST in TF2 General Discussion

Newb Medic here, my coaches from last night

pie/eldritch/hooli/sean: These guys yelled at me consistently for every mistake I made (Wonko, you need to flash! Medic I need a buff NOW!, MEDIC DON'T HEAL ME DURING ROLLOUT!, DAMNIT MEDIC I SAID FLASH ME! MEDIC!!!) I don't make many mistakes, but when I do I need to fix them immediately, and if I hear stuff like "Medic what the hell are you doing?" I recognize instantly that I am doing something wrong. These 4 were scouts/roamers so the biggest coaching handicap they had was not being able to watch the play of the medic/pocket/demo for most of the game.
In post op I made sure to ask if there was anything I could do better, and if the coach was a scout my demo or pocket would always give feedback. These coaches weren't able to give everyone a case by case review, but all of them managed to describe the overall flow of the game, sort of like a spectator, which was very helpful.

The best coaches were the ones who would discuss everything they saw, every tiny detail is important to players like me, so post op talk helps a lot. There was one game when Black Dynamite rolled us, and my coach left the chat the second the round ended. Don't do that. Then there was the last game where I played Black Dynamite again, and afterwards he(or pie) joined both chat channels for discussion: do that. The best way to learn is to ask the person who just rolled you 'what the hell can I do better?'. All the coaches are different, but they seemed to do two things the same. First, most of them were taking a hands off approach to calling, opting to help in dire situations only. Second, they answered every question asked. I have yet to play a game where a coach flat out refused to answer a question.

Anyways, I died 15 times my first game last night and without the helpful yelling of the coaches I would never have been able to cut that number down to 5.

Edit When I say yelling, I mean yelling in the sense of a football coach "WONKO FALL BACK!", yelling like that helps keep me focused on exactly what I need to be doing. I don't think I've heard anyone actually scream during a game.

posted about 12 years ago