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Signed Up February 12, 2020
Last Posted February 8, 2022 at 10:21 AM
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#3839 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SeeSetsulYou need either a budget as an upwards limit or a performance goal as a downwards limit, and generally try to make it a little less weird. Either you want a new CPU or you don't.I simply do not recommend the 10105F at all.
If you want a Skylake CPU then anything from 6000 upwards works and will be much cheaper 2nd hand.
If you want a new CPU then a 12100F will be much faster. Same MSRP, if you're really desperate to get a cheap CPU now and can't wait until it's in stock, see above.
Any build that calls for a 2+ years old mobo is weird.

No I can wait and plan to do plenty of it, thanks for the help, I’ll be on the lookout for some good 2nd hand deals and for some restocks

posted about 3 years ago
#3837 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Ngl, that's some weird shit.
Why would you buy a two years old motherboard that costs more than the CPU based on the same old 6.5 years old architecture that Intel finally moved away from? You could dig an old 7700K out from somewhere and it'd be faster and much cheaper. 7700 (and 6700 for that matter) would be slightly lower clocked but you'd still be able to find those for a fraction of the price.

You need either a budget as an upwards limit or a performance goal as a downwards limit, and generally try to make it a little less weird. Either you want a new CPU or you don't.

I should’ve stated that I just slapped that into the build more as a filler. The part I’m most uneducated about is motherboards and was hoping for suggestions on good boards. What board would you reccomend for the 10105f. As for the second part are you suggesting I go 2nd hand for this type of cheaper build? If you believe I should shoot higher cpu wise what would you reccomend (150-250 price range wise)

posted about 3 years ago
#3834 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Trying to build a pc that runs tf2 at 144 fps at all times atleast in a competitive format (6v6), will use masterconfig low aswell as other tf2 optimizations (I like my game to look as shit as possible). Was mainly wondering if I should up the price by a couple hundred bucks to get a better cpu/mobo combo. Planning on getting a gpu from my friend or something of that likes. Ik tf2 doesn’t require much of a gpu so I plan on getting something low end. No plans on streaming or playing other games besides csgo.

I have enough money to buy like a really nice pc so it’s not like I only have a certain amount and I’m trying to scrape by with this build, I just don’t play any triple a titles and like to save money. I’m just mainly wondering if this is 2 barebones and whether it’s worth it to slightly upgrade the cup mobo combo for better value

posted about 3 years ago
#3832 PC Build Thread in Hardware


Trying to build a pc that runs tf2 at 144 fps at all times atleast in a competitive format (6v6), will use masterconfig low aswell as other tf2 optimizations (I like my game to look as shit as possible). Was mainly wondering if I should up the price by a couple hundred bucks to get a better cpu/mobo combo. Planning on getting a gpu from my friend or something of that likes. Ik tf2 doesn’t require much of a gpu so I plan on getting something low end. No plans on streaming or playing other games besides csgo.

posted about 3 years ago
#3524 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Does anybody know what is the worst pc specs wise that with a config can run 6v6 tf2 on any map at a steady 144 fps plus?

posted about 5 years ago