Cassiahow do i edit the color of the xp bar when u get points
its in hudanimations somewhere search for pvpranklevelup or something like that
Toxi-C-LoudXenThePybroToxi-C-LoudHow can I add a custom hitmarker to my HUD? Like the one in the TF2's Overwatch HUD
in your hudanimations file look for event DamagedPlayer
put your animation there and whenever you hurt someone that animation will get triggered
Can you teach me how to do animations? please
1. Go to hudfolder/scripts and find your hudanimations file. Generally it is called hudanimations_<hudname> but it could be anything. Inside it you will find stuff that looks simmilar to this:
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[code]//Health Bonus Pulse
event HudHealthBonusPulse
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue Fgcolor "Buff" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue Fgcolor "BuffDark" Linear 0.0 0.5
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue Fgcolor "Buff" Linear 0.5 0.5
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValueBg Bgcolor "BuffLight" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValueBg Bgcolor "BuffDark" Linear 0.0 0.5
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValueBg Bgcolor "BuffLight" Linear 0.5 0.5
Runevent HudHealthBonusPulse 1
2. Search for event DamagedPlayer
and if it is not there go to the very bottom of the file and paste this
event DamagedPlayer
// empty
3. Go to hudfolder/scripts and open up hudlayout.res
4. Read this guide on making a hud crosshair
5. Now you just need to animate your crosshair when you do damage.
"alpha" "0"
"enabled" "1"
Then go into the hudanimations.res file that you found earlier
Find the damagedplayer event from earlier and put this into the brackets {}
animate <What your crosshairs fieldName is> alpha 255 linear 0.0 0.0
animate <What your crosshairs fieldName is> alpha 255 linear <time before hitmarker starts to fade in seconds> <time for hitmarker to fade in seconds>
The you should be done :)