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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted October 29, 2015 at 2:27 PM
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#1 Why there are so many chaotic roster changes ? in TF2 General Discussion

I mean, take a look at other e-sport disciplines (Dota, SC, CS), none of them have such amount of join/leave/cut transitions during live season and top team update is always a big news (hello Navi).
In TF2 team can change half of its players overnight and finish it with class-swap madness (like Mix Up in previous season, was fun though).
It looks like community like to play tf2 but don't take it seriously enough to restrict itself with real obligations. While I understand that TF2 pro-scene is kinda undeveloped and not mature enough due to lack of attention, I still think it is hurt scene overall and doesn't provide viewers with the right feeling of the "team".

posted about 11 years ago
#10 TLR on AG in TF2 General Discussion

Mix-up is spreading spy network, Ruwin to HRG, TLR to AG

posted about 11 years ago
#46 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. HRG in Events
If the seagull plat switch is ever gonna happen, which it probably won't, it would happen now.

Wouldn't happen. Plat said he will finish this season as solly regardless of mix performance.
They still have plenty of time to improve their game, season just started, though I don't like masonarium performance for now. Is he better med than powah?

posted about 11 years ago
#72 Update! in TF2 General Discussion

Can we send eXtine back to Valve office? We have another topic to discuss

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Pub Competitions?! How to grow sixes in TF2 General Discussion


Do you think random pubber is subscribed to a competitive youtube channel?
It will be a great help for 6v6 beginners, but I don't think it will reach casual players.

Lets face it, tf2 public is too different from competitive play, that's why transition from casual to serious play is so hindered. Without turning lobby system into common way of play, we can't expect lots of players.

I don't think that top-level pros should concentrate on teaching pubbers. They should concentrate on help to competitive amateurs, to raise overall level of pro scene.

The simple analogy:
When we speak about pub - we need school teacher to form them from casual players to ready for competitive one.
numlocked/ipz etc - is University level, to polish your play as pro-player.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Pub Competitions?! How to grow sixes in TF2 General Discussion

While any event will be good and certainly will raise overall player base awareness, the main problem was and still is - no easy access to low-level and friendly 6v6 play.

So, lets pretend this plan is working and we have pack of noobs who want to try it again.
The most user friendly way (read - convenient and easy to start) to grab some 6v6 experience is tf2lobby, which means zero coordination, no voice and swearing in chat (you can have a good game from time to time though).

IRC pugs are aimed for div level players, newbie mix-ups - same stuff, player who participating in this events already has competitive mindset.

What we need is a good easy-to-go platform (I prefer web-based one) with ability to segregate player by skill level and working report/karma system. It would be nice to have ability to run "educative" game where 5 player in each team are noob + one volunteered high-ranked player who makes calls and control flow of the game (+ some reward system for "teaching").

tl;dr Some place where people with lack of confidence could feel safe and get some experience and friends.

posted about 11 years ago
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