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Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 24, 2022 at 10:20 AM
Posts 523 (0.1 per day)
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#118 Might Number Feminism in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#2 Let's make a world series of tf2 in Off Topic

lol over the table shots

posted about 11 years ago
#6 DayZ Standalone in Other Games

whatever you'd like. It's essentially a zombie survival simulator. You collect resources and simply try to survive. If you're the patient type and enjoy 'realistic' games then you'd probably enjoy it.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 DayZ Standalone in Other Games

Im looking forward to this game. I was a big fan of the original DayZ, not so much the later mods unfortunately..

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Might Number Feminism in Off Topic


this looks hideous haha

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Gamer cant handle the pressure in Off Topic

i hope he screams like that at home so his parents are aware of the filth they've raised.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 what deo do you run in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#86 Hearthstone in Other Games

magus was kind enough to buy me a key because I really wanted the game, what a guy. Add me and help me get not shit zZephyr #1604

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Public Apology in TF2 General Discussion

nothing important

posted about 11 years ago
#20 How the n3rd was de_stroyed in TF2 General Discussion

what the fuck is happening i dont understand

posted about 11 years ago
#53 chicken bone on my doorstep in Off Topic
kuzaIf it wasn't their dogs bone then they will just assume another dog or animal put it there. It's only passive aggressive if it keeps showing up and he continues to put it on the neighbors step without confronting him about it.

I'm responding because I'm probably one of the only long time home owners on this site who's had to deal with neighbors from an adult perspective in multiple locations. It can get tiring dealing with other peoples shit hounds.

I understand what you're getting at, the guy is probably under a lot of stress but that doesnt excuse moving garbage from your porch to a neighbours porch.

LiterallyAPandailu zephyr but just think about how you viewed the world 10 years ago and how much that has changed to this point. you don't think maybe after owning your own home and dealing with the reality of that might change your own views on it in a few years time? calling it martyrdom is kind of a stretch

unless you think you were a genius 10 years ago then you're like nobody I've ever known

10 years ago I was curious about how the universe came to be and why we're here, 10 years later I'm still boggled by our existence and I've come to realise that growing up is something that just doesn't happen all of a sudden, growing up takes up your entire life and I highly doubt anyone's ever said "I know exactly what this is." You reach adulthood and still feel like a lost kid inside. You realise your parents arent some all knowing godly figure you once thought they were, they're simply like everyone else on this planet. Everyone's going about life without a clue, our lives are 100% improvised, and most of the shit we do is just a distraction from everything around us. That being said I know I still know next to nothing about life and I'm pretty sure people who are 10 years older than myself are just as lost and confused, taking things one day at a time. Existential rant aside, you're right, the whole martyr thing was a stretch.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Depression in Off Topic

Definitely seek professional help. If you're still in highschool go to the office and seek a counsellor. If you're in post-secondary any decent school usually offers free counselling. If you feel like your parents will understand what you're going through then give them a talk. Let them know about where you are in life and I'm sure they will help if they can.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 chicken bone on my doorstep in Off Topic

You're acting like some sort of fatherhood martyr here. This is literally the definition of passive aggressiveness. It's one thing if they witnessed their neighbours dog chomping on a chicken bone on their front porch but they didnt, and he moved the litter to another porch without any significant evidence of where it came from.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 chicken bone on my doorstep in Off Topic

it's less about the chicken bone and more about human behaviour

posted about 11 years ago
#33 chicken bone on my doorstep in Off Topic
kuzavilepassive-aggressiveness pisses me off. (dad)
DO not judge your father yet, you're still young. Wait until you're his age with his responsibilities. Things change.

This is just his "first" response. Wait to see how he reacts if it escalates.

Simply throwing the chicken out and not assuming that it was his neighbours dog wouldve been the respectful thing to do. Passive aggressive behaviour is honestly one of the most obnoxious ways to go about situations. It sucks for everyone.

posted about 11 years ago
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