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SteamID64 76561198003290856
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:21512564
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up January 1, 2015
Last Posted December 24, 2015 at 8:07 AM
Posts 5 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.02
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder 2013
Keyboard Razer Lycosa Mirror
Mousepad Razer Mantis Speed
Headphones Wharfdale DD1 / Steelseries Siberia V2
Monitor BenQ XL2420Z
#61 Design logo for Team Infamous get paid in unusual in TF2 General Discussion

B u m p

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Stream : Zafus in Requests


Started streaming recently. Was suggested to post here.

TF2 high 6s, high/prem HL, pugs, etc.

posted about 9 years ago
#103 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
JarateKingZafusRan into a few issues which I'm now working on; basically loading the entire libary of TF2's textures into one map isn't an option [hits the limit of 1024 textures] - currently I have it split into 2 maps which isn't really ideal, especially considering that the maps don't have models or particles added yet.

A workaround I thought of would be to break the maps into the order of the ETF2L rotation.
For example, a map to pre-load for week 1 matches or scrims would contain Badlands and Granary textures + models.

This would be made really easy by adding +map "tf_etf2l_week_1" into your launch options so it automatically loads the map when your game is launched - so then you can get on with scrimming, mixing, or whatever on the week 1 rotation with everything preloaded in one load.

Not necessarily making this for everyone, but if there is a demand then that's good too.
Any feedback would be appreciated but ultimately I'm doing this as a personal project.
I should probably point it out then that materials applied to brushes do not actually need any preloading. For some reason, map brushes end up preloading themselves already or something like that, and if all you wanted was things to be applied to world geometry you could jump straight into an sv_pure 2 server and it'd be the same. It's only things like models and materials that do not appear applied to brushes (particles, things like the bleed overlay) that need preloading. Sorry you had to go through all that work :/

There should be a bit more working room with props since the limit is 2048, so that's solid, and the harder stuff to preload (things like the bleed overlay and particles as the main two) are still materials so (I haven't tested but) applying them to brushes might preload them (which shouldn't take more than 1024), so a preloading map that gets everything should still be possible. Wish I could help you with it but I know nothing of map making.

That really doesn't bother me, I've wanted to make a "display" of the textures for a while now.
I'll mainly be using it for picking color schemes on designs and such.

As for the models I've made a start on it - one shoebox of a map with a rows of models.

posted about 10 years ago
#101 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

Ran into a few issues which I'm now working on; basically loading the entire libary of TF2's textures into one map isn't an option [hits the limit of 1024 textures] - currently I have it split into 2 maps which isn't really ideal, especially considering that the maps don't have models or particles added yet.

A workaround I thought of would be to break the maps into the order of the ETF2L rotation.
For example, a map to pre-load for week 1 matches or scrims would contain Badlands and Granary textures + models.

This would be made really easy by adding +map "tf_etf2l_week_1" into your launch options so it automatically loads the map when your game is launched - so then you can get on with scrimming, mixing, or whatever on the week 1 rotation with everything preloaded in one load.

Not necessarily making this for everyone, but if there is a demand then that's good too.
Any feedback would be appreciated but ultimately I'm doing this as a personal project.

posted about 10 years ago
#100 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

I'm working on a pre-load map which contains every TF2 texture, model and particle -
Textures are done :

posted about 10 years ago