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Last Posted December 23, 2022 at 11:30 AM
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#54 TF2 Center is closing in two days in TF2 General Discussion
pajaroGood. Hopefully better alternatives will be what introduces new players to competitive TF2. TF2Center was a shithole of admin abuse - I think a third of all high level players I know have been or are banned from tf2center, but not a single warning or ban on rgl

I only became a moderator on TF2center relatively recently and I know there were a lot of bans before me, so I may be biased. But what I observed is that there was a strong correlation between high level players and toxic behaviour towards inexperienced players, fooling around, offclassing etc. Probably because they took TF2center less seriously because "its just a lobby". The same players could suddenly behave in advanced lobbies on the same site where more was expected of them - as is probably the case on rgl.

posted about 2 years ago
#53 TF2 Center is closing in two days in TF2 General Discussion

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank MasterNoob for keeping the site running all these years. Yes, he was not very involved in the last years anymore but whenever something needed fixing to keep the site operational, he stepped up despite a very busy schedule. That level of commitment over almost 10 years is something to celebrate, even if the site had problems recently.
He has been a huge credit to the team for the TF2 Competitive Scene.

posted about 2 years ago