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Last Posted December 18, 2015 at 8:17 PM
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#417 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion

oh my god i'm having too much fun reading reddit right now

It's almost like valve took the complaints of soldier/demo/etc saying "Pyro is hard to fight against" and made their dreams come true. If it's hard to fight against, don't fucking get within range, and if you do, use shotgun. Yes soldiers, that means getting rid of your gunboats every once in a while, I know, gross. Competitive, by nature, means that you will be challenged. If you don't like being challenged, don't fucking play competitive. Like I've said a million times in pubs (I even had a bind for this at one point), "If you get killed by an M1 Pyro, its your fault, you got within range, you overstepped, YOU fucked up". You can't blame the enemy for your mistake. If you really don't like playing against Pyro, don't play Highlander. For fucks sake, B4nny plays sixes almost exclusively, and rarely runs into a Pyro. He also doesn't understand Pyro mechanics as demonstrated in his rant, and that's a key part of defeating your enemy, knowing how they work. He really has no ground to stand on. Being a top level competitive player does not mean you have the authority or knowledge to make decisions about a class you almost never encounter or play. Gamesense, pill aim, rocket jumping mechanics, etc. do not contribute to a better understanding of Pyro.
To be entirely honest, I'm considering selling my backpack and uninstalling this game. If valve is going to shit on me so hard and outright ignore what's important, fuck this game.
Note 1: they didn't really bother to fix any of the actually important issues with Pyro, such as backpedaling flame particles, airblast wonkyness, etc.
Note 2: I realize the change isn't super significant numbers-wise, but it is a game changer.

i'm in fucking tears holy shit

posted about 9 years ago