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Signed Up August 11, 2024
Last Posted August 16, 2024 at 4:48 PM
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#92 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
Natalexeiyou absolutely weren’t banned for just “calling out stupidity” bro quit lying

you don’t get banned for simply arguing on a forum that is full of arguing on the regular

1. TFTV 100% has a set precedent of banning people they don't like if they get involved in an argument (like send, who they banned for asking two questions under a thread, and the questions were entirely normal and inoffensive, but for his privacy I'm not sharing them).
2. You're half right, I was way more rude about it back then to someone else who I am actually now friends with lol. I am being pretty tame in this thread because it's not about me it's about kiwi and I want to represent him well since he's a good guy.

posted 1 month ago
#89 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
Natalexeiacnologia1Yes bro because Natalexei is someone we've all heard of and take cheating tips from.the irony of saying this on an alt account must be lost on you, this is some pussy shit.
CHINA2TAPSThe gene pool with superior prefrontal cortex least your friend here has enough of a spine to defend kiwi on his main

I'm begging one person on this thread to use their brain for like a fraction of a second. I feel like I'm genuinely in an insane asylum full of drooling catatonic schizophrenics. The reason I'm on an alt is because I'm banned on my main for literally doing the same thing. Calling out stupidity. You think I'm on an alt by choice, and that's insane. I'm defending Kiwi on the only account I can defend him on.

posted 1 month ago
#87 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
maraudeRacnologia1multiple walls of text,350_QL80_.jpg

playing with your wojak dolls again :(

posted 1 month ago
#85 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanityIm just advertising a strong rope from Home Depot, used it for my tire swing out back....

What do you guys think about Choice Specs Tera Electric Miraidon?

it's broken but I don't play Ubers. real humans only play OU/UU brother

posted 1 month ago
#83 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanityBuy the rope NOW

You have two player misconduct bans, and a transphobia/harassment ban on your profile (active this year). I don't think you're really the kind of person I need lecturing me on ethics on this game. Thin ice for you right now

posted 1 month ago
#82 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
Seinfeldi think what discredits your opinion is you admitted you bought a tf2 alt for 2 keys to hang out with racists on a game you're not allowed to play

And he didn't know that until I told him, Jerry. So thanks for the post-game interview, but it wasn't needed. I'd rather not open the Pandora's box of whether or not exercising free speech in a subjectively comical manner means the person is actually racist or not. I also don't need you policing who I talk to, or who I ring for. My personal opinion has always been that I don't care what people say to me in a VC, they are just words. I also don't know who gave you the authority to say TF2 is a game I'm "not allowed to play". It seems to me that queueing for casual and community servers works just fine for me with no errors, unless your dad is the head of Valve.

posted 1 month ago
#79 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-Sanityacnologia1Home Depot sells a certain item for $9.95 I think you could use it.

reddit gold bud. also you used "their" incorrectly

I'll also respond to your other post while I'm here. I'm not a "random new user", nor am I kiwi lol. You can literally use your eyes to read where I said who I am. Also yes, why should we ever defend someone accused of something. We should all blindly jump on the accusation bandwagon. Young sanity for president 2024

posted 1 month ago
#77 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
blakeplusplusacnologia1why are you so angry

Kiwi is a good guy, never says anything, never cheated. Don't care what anyone else in that Discord has said/done. Kiwi just wants to play the game. Bro went 0/15 on Medic and still got accused of cheating on this thread. He can't win. I'm not angry, just want to stand up for someone I've come to know as a genuinely good guy over the past few years who doesn't deserve his current treatment. Hope this clears things up

posted 1 month ago
#74 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
dont care your circlejerk sucks

yeah I "wouldn't care" if I was wrong either lol. the term circlejerk is objectively awful btw. You clearly sat alone at lunch if you think having a loosely-tied friend group is a circlejerk. I'm not one of their IRL friends, just played with them in amateur like 4 years ago and think that the lengths people go to on this game to posture low-IQ takes is highly delusional. When you, or anyone else on this thread responds to us, you're arguing with a fabricated bogeyman that you created in your head, you're not actually interacting with myself or my prior teammates as humans. That's why you can only result to strawman arguments or irrelevant straw grasping/insulting.

posted 1 month ago
#72 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
blakeplusplusacnologia1wall of words

Oh sheesh bro you sure got me there. I'm trade banned on a random alt account that cost me 2 keys (it came trade banned). I'm sure the trade ban on this random account that's not mine totally discredits everything I said prior. We love irrelevant posts like yours, they really contribute to a productive conversation. But hey, you might get a reddit updoot. It will make your dopamine go bing bing bing!!! (you have protagonist syndrome)

posted 1 month ago
#70 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
maraudeRrang for these guys without knowing who they were and after about 10 seconds in their discord it was very apparent that they were all banned from RGL. I don't know if anyone was cheating in these 2 games (1 2) but pretty much immediately someone (presumably the guy with the hard r in his discord name) was dropping the hard r in comms

doubt RGL can do much other than ban these guys from their discord so IM players will just have to avoid them

Hey, that was me with the slur in my name. I rang for my old teammates that night (I played for them in the original amateur season), and they made that my discord nickname in the server as a joke. Whether or not you find that joke funny is entirely irrelevant btw so I don't wanna hear it, it's their humor not yours. I never once said the slur in comms, but thanks for trying to frame me for something I quite literally never did that's awesome and really shows your outstanding character. Even if you're wrong you get to look like the hero because you accused someone, right? Falsely accusing me of saying slurs in comms for your 15 minutes of fame on a half-dead TFTV thread is some of the most bottom-feeding stuff I've seen in recent memory.

What people do in their private discords (and not in official RGL forums or matches), should not be put out on the internet like this unless it is seriously causing harm (such as doxxing). The same logic applies to "letting people do what they want" in private for most things. Let these people breathe for like half a second. I wasn't offended by them changing my name, don't be offended for me. Thanks!

posted 1 month ago
#69 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
Natalexeialright this guys clips are just funny like bro has the pathfinding of a roomba and seemingly has an insatiable lust to stare directly at the floor except when he has a tasty wall to look at someone through

no way this guy is good enough to meatride like this

Yes bro because Natalexei is someone we've all heard of and take cheating tips from. I did some research for you since you're incapable of thinking outside of herd mentality. I looked at the videos of kiwi "cheating", and looked at some separate demos from around the time of his first ban. I also compared these to demos of his initial accuser, b0nes, also from the same time as they were both in Amateur.

They both aim the same way. b0nes spends more time looking at the floor than the horizon, and also coincidentally hovers over people (and even tracks some) through walls at times. Quite curious but I know b0nes isn't cheating. How? By simple deduction. The map was Process for both kiwi's and b0nes' demos that I watched, another control. It seems to make sense that TF2 players at a competitive level are near chokes/entrances, in big rooms like lobby, hiding in corners, or near health packs. By the logic that kiwi was accused using, b0nes is also a cheater. But obviously I'd never seriously make that claim, since I know they are both typically even KD, mid-200 DPM scouts from that time.

What use would this team have in harboring a cheater that cannot even cheat properly, or change the tide of the game in their favor? Even if he had walls he's not using them to comm to his team, as I watched his med die and even drop to flanks. Sounds like a rather selfish cheater for someone playing on a team of IRL friends.

But hey, we all love throwing logic out of the door if it means we can ban someone we have a hate boner for (who we've never even spoken to rofl, but his friends use slurs so we should all gang up on him).

posted 1 month ago
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