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Last Posted August 16, 2024 at 4:48 PM
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#20 RainofLight has passed away in TF2 General Discussion

RIP, I never had to chance to speak to them or play with them, but I know they were close to some of my good friends like airtime. I heard about their struggles and their constant efforts to remain a positive and strong person through their hardships that extended far beyond just what they dealt with online. It takes unbelievable guts to endure what they endured. The last few tweets I read from RoL were a little off-putting to say the least and it's pretty crazy that invite players are saying that to people in the community. Once again, RIP.

posted 7 months ago
#131 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
subhumanHeh... Don't reply to Me if yuo don't want to be introducedt to the inner Workings of My Twisted Mind... im like if the joker was jacked... the jacker...

so real. ill mind of hopsin vibes... devious and freakin' evil

posted 7 months ago
#128 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
ghadillibanger thread, shoutout to loser weirdos that refuse to get the message after half their cj gets permabanned from rgl and they have to alt on tftv. nobody cares if you're cheating right now or not, you did before, you do a bunch of other heinous shit (screens itt & rgl profiles from recent logs speak for themselves) and/or hangout with loser weirdos that nobody else wants to because they do a bunch of heinous shit (see previous parenthetical). that's enough for no one to like you or want you in the community.

or direct all that at kiwi, i don't care if you're his buttbuddy or an alt or a random passerby; you've made like 30 posts in 3 days. so i'm just assuming you're so butthurt over this because you have a reason to care about it and it's not just because you're autistic and decided that you're The Most Correct Guy In The Thread and you have to make sure everyone knows it.

I get that arguing on the internet is fun but for real what's the goal here? go play pubs or cs or apex or literally anything else. comp tf2 is too small of a community for you guys to fly under the radar with this shit. if you don't want people to think you're toxic retards then stop acting like toxic retards, it's literally that simple. or, if you guys really are just real life friends tryna hang out then like, just go outside and do that? get a project car or start lifting or something. epically trolling prehistoric forums and undead esports scenes is Aggressively Uncool. watch some andrew tate and move on please, thanks. or don't, reading about drama and arguing on the internet is the only reason i get out of bed in the morning.

anyways hope that clears it up for you buddy; have a good rest of your day.

it is mostly just fun to interact with these people. if they didn't wanna get trolled on prehistoric forums, they shouldn't revive them and reply (your advice is pretty good for them too) i already lift, drive a good car and barely play tf2 anymore. also i will continue to pugscrim whenever i want lol. have a good one brotha

posted 7 months ago
#125 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
kasperrcoming back to this thread now because fresh kiwi is back at it! cheating in IM scrims with a circlejerk team of players who are banned from rgl…

Is there a reason you were rostered with a cheater with two cheating bans as of 2 seasons ago? aha just wondering

posted 7 months ago
#124 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
windows_xpacnologia1How did you manage to do the exact same thing as bones right after I called him out on it?may be related to the fact that everything you've posted in this thread is completely dismissable and not worth the mildest effort reading. I would rather read the back of a shampoo bottle than try and digest you whining about people thinking your cheater friend still cheats
acnologia1Hope you get your GED type like you failed shapes and letters class in kindergarten and never recovered. reflect upon yourself

If everything I've said is dismissible (which you spelled wrong rofl), how come no one has so easily debunked any of my claims? The pure fact that all of my responses are met with irrelevant tangents or insults means that everyone responding knows they are wrong/uninformed on the topic and can only say something that will make them feel like they contributed (oh hey, just like you haha).

You responded to me insulting your intelligence by seeming really unintelligent. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be impressed or something, but good job. And hey, if shapes and letters are so easy, why don't you take a crack at it smart guy? Oh wait, you spelled dismissible wrong haha.

posted 7 months ago
#123 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
gianniacnologia1Still waiting for cheating evidence.The cheating evidence is on his rgl profile. Once a convicted cheater, always a cheater.

Hope this finds you well friend. :)

Hope my response finds you well too! The thing is, his RGL ban was for two years and has since been lifted. People are just crying about him playing a non-fragging class now, it seems silly because it is silly. The silliest thing is that he never cheated, so the key word is "convicted", and convictions can 100% be false! The current evidence we have been asking for has still not been posted, and so the thread is essentially dead again I think. We will still be playing, since nothing will come of this "revival".

posted 7 months ago
#122 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
brodyacnologia1bro hit me with the ordered list

And nothing on it was wrong, that's why you can't directly interact with it.

posted 7 months ago
#117 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
windows_xpacnologia1Bro comes on the thread to yap about nothing and probably expects applause. Pure nonsensical babbling continues from the ironed-out brain of a delusional TF2 player. Do you feel embarrassment or are you below the IQ threshold for that?hey bro just so u know its just u typing in here abt ur friend w the cheating ban not being a cheater just wanted u to know man have a good one

How did you manage to do the exact same thing as bones right after I called him out on it? Clearly I've been responding to people who were typing above me, so it's not "just me". You just felt like you had to say something and contribute nothing like 99% of this thread. Still waiting for cheating evidence. Hope you get your GED soon.

posted 7 months ago
#114 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
b0nes_NAAnother fine example of why some parents need to beat their fucking children

Another fine example of what I'm talking about. Bro comes on the thread to yap about nothing and probably expects applause. No argument, no proof of cheating still, no clips or suspect moments brought to light. Pure nonsensical babbling continues from the ironed-out brain of a delusional TF2 player. Do you feel embarrassment or are you below the IQ threshold for that?

posted 7 months ago
#112 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
sauce6This hole thing started with this guy Peaches subbing for Kasper. He told them we were all hackers, and then this happened :

Called me a wall hacker. I honestly thought he was joking, this is ridiculous.

One last reply for now, this is entirely true. Peaches accused (on stream, the VOD probably still exists) me and others on the team of cheating with no evidence again other than losing. And no offense to the guy, but beating Peaches in a scrim isn't going on my list of lifetime achievements. I can tell you right now I definitely don't need to cheat to perform how I performed in that scrim, and surely my 15 death medic doesn't need to either.

posted 7 months ago
#111 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-Sanitygrammygoronodo u guys think these people have ever explored each other's bodies?
gorono did you ever beat that final boss in elden ring?
I want to play elden ring but, I feel like it would be bad content people just seeing me die and over again.

Whenever you stream TF2 to your seven viewers, they are watching you die over and over again anyways. Nothing different when you boil it down. I say stream whatever you wanna stream! :)

posted 7 months ago
#110 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
Seinfeldif my friends were really good at tf2 respective for their division to the point they get called cheaters, i think it's more likely they would post a screenshot with a hearty "LMAO" attached and pay it no mind. i don't think i would project real life insecurities onto strangers on tftv and argue on their behalf on alt accounts

Kiwi wasn't even good with respect to his division. He never did anything outstanding and just so happened to be on a team that was well-coordinated enough to win. He never carried or anything. That is literally where most of our confusion stems from, they picked quite possibly the worst candidate for a cheater on our team by stats/results.

We did start out by responding with "hearty LMAOs", but that didn't work and kiwi got a two year ban for not cheating. It has come to the point where people will blindly believe he cheated/still cheats without any evidence being presented. This is a pretty insane delusion when you look at it from the POV of someone who has known this guy for almost 4 years and has known the whole time he has never touched a cheat client on TF2. I also explained why I'm on an alt so idk why that keeps being brought to attention. I don't have a "main account" on here to talk on, and I explained my ban honestly in some posts above. I was rude to someone who I am now friends with, but they never unbanned my main account. And maybe you're speaking about some things the other guy has said but I haven't projected anything about real life here. I've been responding to each "argument" (insult) logically and simply am asking for current evidence of cheats.

posted 7 months ago
#98 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
kasperrcoming back to this thread now because fresh kiwi is back at it! cheating in IM scrims with a circlejerk team of players who are banned from rgl…

Would love to remind everyone reading on page 4 that this guy is who revived the thread. No "evidence" outside of a log on koth_bagel, where kiwi won 3-2. Kiwi was playing medic, and went 0 and 15. This demo got diffed by kiwi's demo, and the two scouts. Yet no accusations against them. Only kiwi, the medic who did nothing all game.

He was/is extremely salty. Kasperr is not the next habib (clearly since his stats were awful lol). Losing in a game doesn't mean the enemies are cheating. Winning against this guy's team is not some notable achievement that should be turning necks. Note how he stirred up drama and went silent. He has no evidence but only wanted potential bans/trouble to come from this. Once again, my logical approach to the situation will be viewed as the wrong one.

I'd understand if kiwi was back on scout and beating some long tenured advanced teams or something. But a mid-IM scrim on MEDIC lol.

posted 7 months ago
#97 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
brodyu guys have been pugscrimming in low divs for years now and still have to look for ringers every time u play

1. You are literally a low div awful player, perma-ban on RGL for being an alt.
2. You haven't played TF2 on your alt since 2023 but you sit on TFTV on it stalking "low div" threads
3. We had one ringer, idk what you're talking about. I've never seen a single pugscrim team that doesn't need ringers every once and a while??
4. You, nor anyone else has yet to provide evidence of kiwi cheating, you can still only resort to irrelevant insults. Please say something productive

posted 7 months ago
#90 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
Syyall all have downs and are abysmal

erm actually you're the most evilest villain o_O because your in They're discord. I made you the malformed wojak and I made myself big and tall and huge peanits :D

posted 7 months ago
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