you just gotta surrender yourself to the grind
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SteamID64 | 76561198048286206 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:88020478] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:44010239 |
Country | Kiribati |
Signed Up | April 8, 2013 |
Last Posted | January 5, 2025 at 5:16 AM |
Posts | 3929 (0.9 per day) |
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Archaeologyyou're using the very left-wing tactic of "they're being homophobic online" which makes sense because cancel culture developed online and continues to be purely online
expand on this i gotta get more insight
-small launch option
digoForeign man in a foreign land
i really dont like how this guy will speak with authority while talking about things he doesnt know about
they alt because they are banned on main
Wild_Rumpusunironic stonetoss comics 9 posts in
Don't look into the ethnic background of the land or you will discover it was Samaritan/modern Lebanese more than arab/jewish until they were genocided by arabic people. Only the most recent genocide matters though as per usual because discourse is really good!
Without a moment's thought playing on a team with Akemi where he would swap off demo to snipe if we dropped a single round in a single scrim was a time to be alive.
pugna getting vaporized by jaybenaduchi
yight scamming
noona scamming fucking everyone
mix^ turtle meta seething on a casted match after esea lan cancelled and the fallout
esea bitcoin miner saga (esea vs cevo)
THE vac wave
BrockWhat the fuck? That’s not something to share about someone else without permission.
what the fuck are you talking about jesse
AimIsADickI still love mastercomfig and I still use it; but man it is getting BLOATED. It should STAY a performance config; not get warped into an all-in-one suite.
Hitsounds do not belong in mastercomfig; there should be dedicated places to hitsounds.
Same goes for killsounds and huds, like
and shit, it got bought out by comp players...
you do realize this project is literally cash negative right? wasnt bought out, it shut down because no one supported it and it was literally a money pit
default for scatterguns/shotguns
crosshair7 everything else