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Last Posted January 13, 2022 at 5:48 PM
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#4 Can you reduce Vaccinator sound volume in casual? in Q/A Help

Update, I tried it and it works but not on casual servers with sv_pure enabled unfortunately.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Can you reduce Vaccinator sound volume in casual? in Q/A Help

Thanks for the instructions. I'm not sure if this will work on casual servers though because it says game_sounds_weapons.txt is from a trusted source. I'll give it a go.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Can you reduce Vaccinator sound volume in casual? in Q/A Help

Is it possible to reduce the volume of the vaccinator in casual / sv_pure servers?

Whenever I use it the sound is so obnoxious it quickly becomes very annoying. There is the static sound that plays when you have a charge and then when you get another charge the sound is super loud and sounds distorted. E.g

At first I thought one of my settings was causing it but seeing it on the tf2 wiki I guess that's the way it's supposed to be? I can't believe how bad it is.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Display all of the hidden characters that bots use in Customization

I got tired of pressing F1 on my friends by mistake when a bot copied their name, so I made this mod.

What is it?

A small mod for TF2 that uses a custom font to draw many of the invisible characters that bots use in their name.

How does it work?

The mod uses a custom edited version of the Noto Mono font. Most characters outside of the normal English alphabet are drawn as error rectangles. An empty rectangle is just a regular character, a filled in rectangle is a character that could be drawn behind another character.

The HUD also shows the usernames in a regular font so you can see what they would appear like to most other players and tell apart different special unicode characters.

The mod currently only works if your language in steam is set to English. I may convert it over to other languages if there is enough demand.

Install instructions and more details are available on the github page. Let me know if you use it and it works for you. If you know what you're doing you could combine it with other custom HUDs.

Also, if you have problems with bots in casual I highly recommend you also download Pazer's TF2 Bot Detector. It's a really nice little tool that runs in the background and auto-kicks bots as soon as they join the game. If more people spent some time to learn how to use tools like this then the bot problem wouldn't be half as bad. Check it out here:

posted about 3 years ago