Account Details
SteamID64 76561198170083101
SteamID3 [U:1:209817373]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:104908686
Country United States
Signed Up April 9, 2016
Last Posted March 13, 2025 at 7:59 PM
Posts 210 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.8
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Vaxee NP-01S
Keyboard Wooting 60HE
Mousepad Skypad 3.0
Headphones AT-MX50
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#21 I trolled my team in the official in TF2 General Discussion

ngl man I went through your page and after clicking for about 30 seconds I wasn't able to find a single log where you went positive anyway lmfao

we should discuss the difference between trolling as an epic own and maybe just realizing to yourself that you're really just not that good at playing the game

posted 1 week ago
#17 TF2 Promod in TF2 General Discussion

If I had a wishlist towards a pro mod, in-game player QoL is obviously important. But I'm imagining things that might make production easier, and there's a couple of things that come to mind. If we could have tools like CastingEssentials built into the game, it would make it WAY easier to configure before streams, or for newer casters to get involved. Native support for multiple huds, more options for customization without having to go down config rabbit holes, all of these things seem like no-brainer level positives. I know the PASSTIME group already have ideas in mind for bug fixes for their game as well, which cause a lot of grief for anybody trying to produce for that game mode too

I don't know if this "valve's last update" type of update but outside of seasonal hat additions it probably is. Whoever is going to be in charge of this project has a lot of work and expectations from the community, and they shouldn't take that lightly.

posted 1 month ago
#1 Monitor Burn-In for TF2 Only in Hardware

This is going to sound crazy, but I've been struggling since I got this monitor a couple of years ago with a burn-in problem, which only burns in when I sit in-game (for TF2 only!) and goes away after there are enough moving elements on my screen for a while, like if I start actively playing or watch a video for an extended period of time. I've included some pictures of the problem here and here.

Does anybody know why an IPS monitor would be burning in for solely TF- no other games or platforms do this. Also, I have to take pictures of the burn-in with my phone because it doesn't show up on a screen capture or OBS recording. Thanks!

posted 1 month ago
#3 Ammomod in Bug Reports

caption ammomod and then you post an endif pic instead... clickbait

posted 1 month ago
#2 CS2 update for 1/9/25 (1/10/25 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

RIP to the best CS update ever with the ragdolls launching themselves across the map

posted 2 months ago
#9 Fireside announces Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 in News

I’m so hyped everything is coming together. Siyo said it best that we’re trying to be by the community for the community, and this event should be no different
that being said cu@ and we may have some more exciting announcements coming up

posted 2 months ago
#7 Desk recommedation in Hardware

Adjustable legs are a bit overrated, especially if you don't really care about ergonomics as much (or are just on a tighter budget) but facebook marketplace is your best friend in either of those cases. Sounds like giving the malm to your girlfriend is already the best move no matter what happens, you just should probably upgrade yours in the meantime.

Pretty much anything when it comes to desks are secondary in comparison to being sturdy and looking good, height usually gets changed with an adjustable chair so you shouldn't have to worry about that. If something is nice but not well kept after, maintaining desks that are made of actual wood is still easier and worth more than buying one made of IKEA wood and having to replace parts entirely over time

editing to say that if anything else look into getting a deeper desk, 30 inches was a game changer for me over 23

posted 3 months ago
#8 chair recommendation in Off Topic
BrockMake your own chair

This both looks bad and also simultaneously really unergonomic for office work

posted 3 months ago
#1032 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

I know what red bull are doing to checo is kind of fair when his teammate is verstappen but the two people that they're considering replacing him with are usually worse so I don't really get it

posted 3 months ago
#4 34 Widescreen 144hz vs 240hz 24inch in Q/A Help

not sure how it is in the EU, but in NA there's a plugin we use that gets rid of the higher FOV that source normally gives wide-screen players, which I really took advantage when I used it in csgo or pubs to get a little bit more screen space, which might be another reason to have considered it in the first place. Otherwise I love widescreen monitors, and used to use one over 16:9 all the time.
that being said, one thing I noticed in your two monitor selections is that the higher refresh rate monitor you've chosen is 1080p, vs the 1440p widescreen model. If you do end up picking up a monitor, the 1080p models will feel so much less clear than one that you can buy with 2k or 4k capabilities for everything that's not directly related to tf2, and it's such a noticeable difference imo. try to find one that's at least 2k for anything modern that you plan on doing, and you can downscale games if you're worried about performance

posted 5 months ago
#57 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic

So now that Valve have soft launched the title and removed the streaming/creating videos restrictions, I'm starting to think that the game suffers from a "very fun to play, not very fun to watch" problem, and I'm not sure there's a great way to fix that

TF2 has a similar problem that tf2 youtubers often brute force to get around, and the tf2 streaming category is next to dead quite often unless there's an official cast or charity event happening (exceptions happen obviously)
is there a solution to this? might need a hud overhaul or something, but the hud when you're actually playing is also fine for the most part. Same visual spam as other MOBA's, but having played it since it had 300 invites makes me biased towards deadlock over league or dota, which i have no real experience with

posted 6 months ago
#2 new monthly na cup in TF2 General Discussion

We Will Be There

posted 7 months ago
#130 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

hey tynnyri can you keep posting im almost done training my algorithm so we can keep the discussion going even when you're not here

posted 7 months ago
#22 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/18/24 (Summer 2024 Update) in TF2 General Discussion

did anybody have problems with explosions after this update? both myself and my pocket scout's explosion mods were just big particle error x's expanding and I had to remove the mod to be able to see people when they rocket jumped

posted 7 months ago
#9 What are the best TF2 Frag Movies? in Videos and are some of the best non-competitive videos you'll find I think

posted 8 months ago
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