If I had a wishlist towards a pro mod, in-game player QoL is obviously important. But I'm imagining things that might make production easier, and there's a couple of things that come to mind. If we could have tools like CastingEssentials built into the game, it would make it WAY easier to configure before streams, or for newer casters to get involved. Native support for multiple huds, more options for customization without having to go down config rabbit holes, all of these things seem like no-brainer level positives. I know the PASSTIME group already have ideas in mind for bug fixes for their game as well, which cause a lot of grief for anybody trying to produce for that game mode too
I don't know if this "valve's last update" type of update but outside of seasonal hat additions it probably is. Whoever is going to be in charge of this project has a lot of work and expectations from the community, and they shouldn't take that lightly.