Account Details
SteamID64 76561198170083101
SteamID3 [U:1:209817373]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:104908686
Country United States
Signed Up April 9, 2016
Last Posted February 10, 2025 at 7:38 PM
Posts 208 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.8
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Vaxee NP-01S
Keyboard Wooting 60HE
Mousepad G440
Headphones AT-MX50
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#10 Quarantine BBall 2020 in TF2 General Discussion
buudcan both teams agree to play sharks??

theres a possibility sharks could be the deciding factor for first place

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Quarantine BBall 2020 in TF2 General Discussion

Update: The map pool
With the tournament steadily approaching, the maps have been decided for the pool. The maps are going to be:

  • ctf_bball_hoopdreams
  • ctf_ballin_comptf
  • ctf_ballin_skyfall
  • bball_tf_v2

Downloads for the maps can be found here.
If you have any questions regarding format, you can add me at the link in the description

posted about 4 years ago
#1475 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

pee soda: i would drag my balls over 7miles of broken glass just to hear miss pauling fart through the contracker

posted about 4 years ago
#8 "Console" button for default hud in Customization

you could theoretically change a button you don't use to open console instead.
head to your gamemenu.res file and look around for something you don't use, like the streams button or the in-game store (who uses either of those) and hijack it for the console
change the command to something like "engine con_enable 1;toggleconsole" and it should work pretty easily

posted about 4 years ago
#6 Quarantine BBall 2020 in TF2 General Discussion
hooliare match times flexible?

Match times will be kept to a fairly strict schedule so we can get as many of our early matches out of the way as possible. That said there will be bye rounds and a 10-25 minute period of wiggle room for teams dependent entirely on turn out and how many servers we can get. If there is a period of time your team absolutely cannot play contact the admin team on discord before the bracket is created and we can try and work around it.

posted about 4 years ago
#14 bane lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

probably the biggest unknown factor of the past 2 years
fantastic DM, always chill, and has pretty incredible insight in the game. great pickup on either flank or combo

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Quarantine BBall 2020 in TF2 General Discussion

Matches will begin Saturday, April 25th at 4PM EST. This NA tournament will be run on a swiss bracket, finals will be BO3 hosted on

This is a free tournament being run by me with The tournament will mainly be run out of the Discord server and announcements will be continued both there and in this thread. SIGNUPS ARE OFFICIALLY CLOSED AS OF NOW.

Bball is a 2v2 soldier only CTF game mode where only stock weapons are used. The goal is to either score 25 points or the highest point value by the time the game ends.

What if I win?
First place wins 25 keys, second place wins 14 keys, and third place, decided in a bronze match, will be winning 8 keys. If you want to raise the stakes, donations towards the prize pool can be done at

Anyone is free to register and participate. We ask that you refrain from controversial aliases/language while participating, and that you show up to matches on time. Being more than 10 minutes late for any given match will result in a disqualification from that round. In-game sportsmanship will be expected as well, including the avoidance of cheese strats like shotgun jumping, goaltending, and stalling.

With the tournament steadily approaching, a map pool has been decided. The maps are down below, and can be downloaded here.

  • ctf_bball_hoopdreams
  • ctf_ballin_comptf
  • ctf_ballin_skyfall
  • bball_tf_v2

Signups will be closing on Friday, April 24th, so feel free to grab a friend have a try at the prize. We have some really strong teams on the list, so this should be a great competition. See you there!

posted about 4 years ago
#45 quarantine activities ? in Off Topic

ive spent this entire past weekend-today creating stream assets for a casting group that will cast 2 more times before quitting probably

posted about 4 years ago
#10228 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#6261 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

trying to get Casting Essentials to work on a hud so it can give a medi gun role in the advanced spectator UI, but it seems like only flawhud supports this. what file can I edit so that I can add this to any hud I need it on?
edit for clarification: without casting essentials
with casting essentials
I can't get this to work with any other hud and I'm not sure why, even the flawhud readme says it supports casting essentials

posted about 4 years ago
#23 Antlers LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump for RGB5 + RGL S3

posted about 4 years ago
#23 DoomIcorn LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 4 years ago
#1 Recording TF2 Demos for use in SFM Tutorial in Videos
Bring your TF cinematics to the next level with this 1 neat trick
I've seen people promise a tutorial on this process for at least a year now, but without a guide this process is a little unintuitive to people that aren't directly taught by other people already comfortable with HLAE. I decided to spend a weekend going through and editing together a small tutorial myself. Huge shoutout to Cyanic for teaching me how to do this and to the advancedfx/castellum discords to helping me with bugs that I experienced along the way.
I'm not planning on making a tutorial on how to use SFM because I really suck with it, but there are tons of tutorials online for SFM. The SFM discord is also full of useful people ready to help as well.

posted about 4 years ago
#10059 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 5 years ago
#59 RGB LAN 5 + TooManyGames in LAN Discussion

cu@ +lft projectile

posted about 5 years ago
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