Account Details
SteamID64 76561198025329937
SteamID3 [U:1:65064209]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:32532104
Country Belgium
Signed Up January 17, 2013
Last Posted June 18, 2022 at 8:23 AM
Posts 109 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Ultralight 2
Keyboard Ducky One 2 Mini
Mousepad QCK Heavy
Headphones HD599
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 8
#1436 worst steam profile in Off Topic

posted about 2 years ago
#2 HypnotizeHUD-FuuxEdit in Customization

I'm using it and damn, it's clean! good work

posted about 2 years ago
#1 name change in Requests

can I be arno please thank you :)

posted about 3 years ago
#194 why dafuqwizat didn't cheat: in TF2 General Discussion
DaFuQWiZaTdMenaceimagine getting witch hunted out of a community with no incentive to stay in the first place
I really don't wanna leave this game but now all I can play is casual

You called the game dead anyway? Best to move on. I feel really blessed you're not around to ruin my games anymore

posted about 4 years ago
#5798 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Sayo - DL

Sayo2 (inspired by botmodes edit of m0rehud) - DL

Base hud arekkhud
DMG numbers is default but it can be changed easily.

I'm gonna be stupid here. I love this hud but it seems to be using square shadows, and I'm not able to find the lines I have to remove to get rid of them. Could you tell me which ones?

can you send me an image of what you mean?

Mine are not as extreme but it happens when I use your hud, and not with other huds.

posted about 4 years ago
#5794 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Sayo - DL

Sayo2 (inspired by botmodes edit of m0rehud) - DL

Base hud arekkhud
DMG numbers is default but it can be changed easily.

I'm gonna be stupid here. I love this hud but it seems to be using square shadows, and I'm not able to find the lines I have to remove to get rid of them. Could you tell me which ones?

posted about 4 years ago
#73 Help! If TF2 had CS:GO ranks what would they be? in TF2 General Discussion
SuyoI don't think Strange ranks fit as well for ranking players. I'd prefer something more like CSGO where you can estimate the rank position just from the name, less rank names but appended with numbers (Something like Australium I, Australium II, ... Australium Master), but I tried. alliterations inc
Show Content
2 Scarcely Lethal Slugger
3 Mildly Menacing Mercenary
4 Somewhat Threatening Troublemaker
7 Sufficiently Lethal Scrapper
8 Truly Feared Trooper
10 Gore-Spattered Gunner
11 Wicked Nasty Warrior
12 Positively Inhumane Private
14 Face-Melting Fighter
15 Rage-Inducing Recruit
16 Server-Clearing Soldier
18 Australian Assailant

If you want to go with the Strange ranks, you might want to replace "Totally Ordinary", unless you plan to make it a rank available only if you land exactly on one certain value.

This one is perfect. TF2 uses a lot of alliteration as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 weird ping issue in Q/A Help

wow weird, I just ran the test another 3 times and now my max jitter is 4 - 7 ms ?
So I bet it was some outside problem ? it might jump back to being as bad I guess.

edit : Yeah it still occurs, just not as badly as before :P

posted about 10 years ago
#8 weird ping issue in Q/A Help
ComangliaBitYeah I can't use cable anymore. But I've been on this wifi for nearly a year now and this issue started yesterday. Thanks for the help though
Did you/anyone install any new large electric appliances? or any electric appliances for that matter in the last few days?

no, everything has been untouched for a good while.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 weird ping issue in Q/A Help

Yeah I can't use cable anymore. But I've been on this wifi for nearly a year now and this issue started yesterday. Thanks for the help though

posted about 10 years ago
#3 weird ping issue in Q/A Help
ComangliaBitI'm sorry for "pls fix my ping" thread #9982 but I'm fairly clueless.

Since yesterday I have frequent ping spikes. My regular connection isn't fantastic either, but I never got above 50 ping. My net_graph says my ping is about 175-203 while my ping displayed on the scoreboard remains normal. (idk if that is always the case.)
I already did the usual fixes, verify game cache, ran a ping test (40 ping, 44 jitter and 0 packet loss) and skimmed autoexec for it. Any other game or internet application run with ease.

I'll post a net graph when it occurs soon. But for now I ran out of ideas.

Your jitter is pretty high, try removing electrical equipment away from ethernet cables (or upgrade to CAT 6) if you still have high jitter and you use DSL or Cable you might have line issues and should probably contact your ISP

oh thanks for the reply. I guess it's the line since our router is free and it still occurs. Maybe I should've mentioned I'm on wifi.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 weird ping issue in Q/A Help

I'm sorry for "pls fix my ping" thread #9982 but I'm fairly clueless.

Since yesterday I have frequent ping spikes. My regular connection isn't fantastic either, but I never got above 50 ping. My net_graph says my ping is about 175-203 while my ping displayed on the scoreboard remains normal. (idk if that is always the case.)
I already did the usual fixes, verify game cache, ran a ping test (40 ping, 44 jitter and 0 packet loss) and skimmed autoexec for it. Any other game or internet application run with ease.

I'll post a net graph when it occurs soon. But for now I ran out of ideas.

posted about 10 years ago
#129 My FPS config in Customization

my god I love you, this saved my tf2 life. I've been having serious FPS dips since a few weeks back and this solved most of it.

It just takes a long time before I can play after alt tabbing indeed. But that doesn't bother me too much.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Nations Cup Strawpoll in TF2 General Discussion

poland stronk

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Pioneers in Videos

I stumbled upon his channel a good while ago, very nice jumps

posted about 10 years ago
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