Summary of video please?
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198024475237 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:64209509] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:32104754 |
Country | Ireland |
Signed Up | July 23, 2012 |
Last Posted | December 2, 2015 at 3:48 PM |
Posts | 1585 (0.3 per day) |
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Raw Input | 1 |
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Monitor |
Haven't been impressed by the sound quality of any snowball users I've heard. It seems like to get it to pick you up properly the gain has to be really high (which then picks up room echo / background noise) or you have to be really close to it which is awkward since it's huge.
On the other hand, the Modmic is somewhat dependent on your soundcard quality since it's just 3.5mm rather than USB.
They're the Beats by Dre of gaming whereas all your other peripherals are actually good.
Noppoo Choc Mini ☑
Trinitron CRT ☑
Logitech G400 ☑
Puretrak Talent ☑
SteelSeries Siberia v2 ☐ WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU
Latest addition-
still need an xlr cable for the mic, whoops
Seat is from a 1993 Mazda MX-5 / Miata. Cost me €30. Not actually going to use it like that... it will spend a few weeks drying out in the airing cupboard then I'll try to bolt it to a swivel chair base.
WithADanceNumbernow if only they would choose a new font for their keyboards.
ISO PBT master race
Can you not set the picmip values in OpenGL though?
So that's why I can never log in properly?
english lessons with mirelin aka how kaidus's girlfriend talks
warm hands
I think the i46 chipin has closed, so the best way to contribute to eXtv is probably to donate to the other teams like Platinum is saying. Make Dallas a LAN worth covering for them with a full ticket of attendees.
boomer800 dpi sens 1.5 m_custamaccel_exponent 1.2
What mouse pad do you use?