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Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted December 2, 2015 at 3:48 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ⋅⋅ 105
#51 Changes for in TF2 General Discussion

r u for real

posted about 11 years ago
#64 Medigun checker script in TF2 General Discussion

Scripting my way to prem div2

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Good headphones/IEMs in Hardware
Google is quite the tool, isn't it. I just wanted some more personal/firsthand impressions and recommendations is all

Yeah, maybe you should read some firsthand impressions from someone who has reviewed over 300 earphone models instead of declaring your love for someone who recommended you a pair of earphones based on them being better than some gaming headsets.

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Medigun checker script in TF2 General Discussion

Did you watch the video?

"The spy has the ability to check the weapon that enemy classes are holding".

It's part of the game, and can be done just fine without a script.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Good headphones/IEMs in Hardware

posted about 11 years ago
#32 Medigun checker script in TF2 General Discussion
put_shrimp barbie; wait 5; +eat
posted about 11 years ago
#18 Medigun checker script in TF2 General Discussion

Bumping this script, it turned Saints into TF2 Pros, imagine what it can do for you.

(vani also hacks, which helps)

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Any Tf2 players going to dreamhack? in TF2 General Discussion

Scout MGE might be easier for newcomers to pickup than soldier, but it's not going to be very impressive to watch.

Make sure you get the Saints guys to play some "exhibition" soldier against each other at least!

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Dreamhack winter? in Esports

Holy shit the music on DreamhackQL is bad

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Any Tf2 players going to dreamhack? in TF2 General Discussion

That is the Saints / line-up, they're a Div 1 ETF2L team.

posted about 11 years ago
#371 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion

There's also a saying in venture capitalism "if you don't understand what the kid is talking about, throw money at him because he's probably the next big thing".

I wouldn't pay too much heed to their aphorisms.

posted about 11 years ago
#37 CEVO Community Meeting in TF2 General Discussion
KanecoAnd the b2b projects they worked on got me even more convinced, it would be a bad mistake to ditch a league that has strong connections with events like those.

While it shows that they have good pedigree, I believe that this side of CEVO is more like "Red Bull comes to CEVO and says 'hey we want a starcraft tournament'" not "CEVO goes to Red Bull and says 'hey sponsor a starcraft tournament for us'", so the games played at the events are probably not picked by CEVO.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 CEVO Community Meeting in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for your time Pipher, you made a good impression.

posted about 11 years ago
#54 Can someone summarize the drama? in TF2 General Discussion
AndKennethharbleudeadmau5why do people say without lan theres no reason/incentive to get better at the game, ETF2L doesnt have a lan at the end of each season afaik and they still kicked mix^/hrg's assesim pretty sure we've never lost to a european team, the fact that we didn't attend i49 is irrelevant.
Hardly irrelevant, they went because they were in higher standing than you guys at the time.

To be fair, that's because HRG used the season as a study in how the NA ruleset promoted "aggressive" play.

posted about 11 years ago
#327 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
omniBubbai wonder what lpkane would do if he saw this thread...
Probably what he did in the mix^ thread not him

posted about 11 years ago
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