NokkbLabLaSo, I'm using nokk's nühud, and I wanna change how the horizontal health bars work in the tournament spec gui. At a certain point, the health bar will switch to the right side and expand leftwards when health gets low enough. Instead, I wanna make health only go from left to right. How do I do this?someone please help me with this
i added a screenshot to show how botmode's at 69 hp, yet his health bar is very small
I made the health bars only work for 1920x1080 because I don't know if there's any workaround for making it completely work in all resolutions (working off The Mannterface). I didn't include it originally in nühud, but if you go to spectatortournament.res > HealthIcon, the value of HealthBonusPosAdj needs to be changed depending on your resolution. I added a comment for a couple common resolutions recently, but you'll have to experiment with the value if it's something different.
thank you so much