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Last Posted August 14, 2017 at 4:45 PM
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#29 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion

Sorry for bumb, does anyone know if I can change the thread title?

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion
JaguarFiend1) Minor gripe: A little bit more ammo on the map could be ok. I'm not positive about that though since we didn't get to playtest it too much.

2) Major complaint: The reason we couldn't playtest it very much was that the spawn times are atrociously high. Maybe there's a good reason for this that you can explain to us? The average spawn wave was something like 15 seconds if not more and it seemed almost impossible to catch the same wave as your partner. It's already a big map which means it often takes time to traverse that distance to get where you want to go. If you add an 18 second spawn on top of that... ??. Ultiduo maps have spawns that are a few seconds long usually to keep the pressure and action up. It almost seems like the map timer is 6 minutes instead of 5 to compensate for all the needless down time.

It's funny how little we actually got to play over the round that we did and so we kinda abandoned it with a bad taste in our mouths. I think these spawn timers need a good reduction and then I'd love to play more on this. At least aesthetically the map is certainly unique and good looking. Thanks for your work!

Thanks for the feedback, I'll work on the spawn times. I came across that as well. Maybe like 6 seconds? or less? I wanted a slightly larger map to force more rocket jumping and air shots.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion

Got an update here:
ultiduo_grove_a3 Download

A3 Changes:
Add box jump to point
Clipped of hiding areas - Made areas that are clipped visibly closed.
Bullet blocked iffy areas
Closed off pointless space

ultiduo_grove_a3 Download

Any feedback let me know!

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion
DamnEasy*Add a resuply in spawn
*Remove stairs
*Make it so you can jump up to the point from here as a medic
*Remove some hiding spots
*Make it so the walls/floor doesnt fuck up splash (i saw under point there were some props where you can splash (atleast i think i didnt try it on a person).
also server doesnt work atm

*What do you mean by removing stairs? they are all bullet blocked so they are basically ramps. Unless you just mean for the fact they should be gone.
*I could try that, letting medics get up there. but sorta seems a little pointless.
*yeah gonna clip off some areas
*As in eat rockets? I can clean that up if thats what you mean.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion

Here is a version for you guys to try out! ultiduo_grove_a2

Changes from A1:
Mid slightly lower
side stumps are slightly lower
health and ammo moved
spawns flipped and edited height
opened up space around floor.

I will run a server as well for a while;
EU Server
connect; password bakulti

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNRemoved some of the high ground and moved ammo packs.

love it already. very pleasing to the eye, great theme! only thing i might remove is the wooden crates on the high ground, or maybe offset them so they arent directly blocking for the attacker who has elevation. the high ground should already be enough of an advantage, i feel like having a crate to shield you up there is a bit extra. definitely does need a prop up there though. im sure you can think of something better than i :P good work! and thank you for dedicating your time to mapmaking/ultiduo.[/quote]
Thanks! and no worries ;) Yeh, I have some ideas for that platform.

TsarbucksAny idea when it would be ready for play testing?

I had a quick test an hour ago, gonna make some changes and send a link over here for you guys!

DamnEasyThis actually looks really nice, the trees are really good for trying to get a force, you can hold on more then 1 position, you cant sit on the healthpack. Really nice.

Only thing is that it looks like medics are kinda fucked in regards of where they can stand, surfing should be pretty good on this map too

Thanks! The trees are quite fun for rj. Yes and no to that about medics being fucked. Surfing is a bit buggy but can work!

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion

Quick update:

Removed some of the high ground and moved ammo packs.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion

What I have so far

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNi think if you somehow inverted the spire idea, itd be very challenging. maybe like two or three smaller spires offset to the control point, with the cp being a bit lower ground. play with the terrain more, i feel like most ultiduo maps are very basic and boring to look at. id like to see something like a real map for ultiduo, not just flat gray surfaces. make a nice skybox :)

Yeh I was thinking about that idea! Ill give it a try!
And yes that is one of my main goals, to give you Ultiduo guys a good looking map too!

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion
Enterimoh I love koth_forge! good luck

to clarify DamnEasy's point, the biggest complaint with ultiduo_baloo is that map structure just makes it "mge spire with heals". A different type of geometry for the point and more height variation (like the original ultiduo map) I think would be pluses.

Alright! thanks for the heads up!

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion
DamnEasydont make a baloo point

Why is that? Is it overdone? or just not fun?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion

Hi there,
So are hosting a 7.2 hour contest atm, My plan is to make Ultiduo map.
I have some ideas of what its gonna be like, but after speaking to eXtine at I58 he has told me that there is not many maps for it at all.
I would like to know what people are after for a ultiduo map, what on people wishlist!

For refrence I am Bakscratch, In the past Koth_Stallone which is played in 4s, And Koth_Forge which is starting to be played and PD_Watergate(which is officially in game). And many other maps!

So lemme know, I am start 9pm gmt on 28th Aug, and yes I will be working on after the contest.
If you'd like to contact me straight feel free to add me Here

Here is a version for you guys to try out! ultiduo_grove_a3 Download

A2 Changes:
Add box jump to point
Clipped of hiding areas - Made areas that are clipped visibly closed.
Bullet blocked iffy areas
Closed off pointless space

posted about 8 years ago
#11 cp_apathy_a3 in Map Discussion

Wow this map is so close to process in so many ways,
The final has almost the same door placement as process.
2nd point area has almost the same idea as process
and the map just seems to be a rotated mid.
I'm not saying this is bad, but wow its so similar.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Koth_Arctic/Warmtic (Updating) in Map Discussion

So I have had the honor of being able to update/ fix/ change Koth_Arctic/Warmtic for competitive play.
If there are anything you remember from when Arctic/Warmtic was last active let me know, any issues let me know. I am to try and improve the map as much as possible.

I have a new version of the map from when Hanz was working on the map, I want to get some thoughts on it so I can work through the changes needed.
(Things to ignore about this version are optimization and clipping)

Download for b4-pre

posted about 8 years ago
#15 koth_forge in Map Discussion

Update b2n - Worked on some minor clipping issues I missed/ Increased door heights/ moved some props, as well as increased the size of the point and under the point.


  • Major - Made the point/ cap area wider.
  • Major - The area under the point is larger - entrance to under the point is close to spawn.
  • Major - Stairs onto point closer to spawn.

  • Minor - Addition clipping on buildings
  • Minor - Moved prop to make easier for scout jumps
  • Minor - Increased height on all doors

posted about 8 years ago
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