disengageI think I recall play testing this map ages ago in the first New Map Pugs group. From what I remember, most people agreed that once you cap the point you basically win the round.
When we did a few week ago (on the tf2maps server, pub players) that seemed to be the case as well.
feegeei remember playing this map like 2 years ago in some mapdev pug and i thought it was a good map then, just the trains are kinda dumb
I guess you mean the train shack? I will probably remove this, or reduce it.
rowpiecesit does seem like a pretty cool map but i feel like it might be a little too open, and snipers will have a massive advantage
on the two towers in the middle of the map, you should make both sides accessable or just remove the unaccessable part, it just feels really strange that there's two parts and one of them aren't accessable, imo you should just remove the unaccessable parts so sniper isn't as op
i feel like there should be more catwalks than just the towers in the middle, everything just plays off the ground
at the spawns you should maybe just have one door that leads outside instead of two hallways because there really is no need of the extra space
you should add more props and stuff in the way so snipers can't have an eye on everything except behind the towers and the left area
the point seems a little too high off the ground
the other sniper nest that is closer to spawns is fine, maybe if you made the two windows another doorway and make the room upstairs smaller and the doorway to the little balcony taller / bigger and also add a small healpack/ammopack in the upstairs room
overall with some work it can be a good map in my opinion
Yes, I agree the map is on the bit of the "large" side, I have plans to reduce some areas down. I sorta understand the tower and catwalks? Are you talking about how there is only 1 way to get up to one of them while the other has no "easy" way to get up there? The point area is getting some little reworks, (making not as long, lowering it) The spawns are going to be simplified down, having one major exits. (going to leave the side ones but make them not so hard to exit)