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Country Austria
Signed Up July 8, 2013
Last Posted November 12, 2020 at 5:38 AM
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#1 [Stream] in Requests

name: basti
country: austria

gonna cast some high games during the season and maybe stream some scrims

posted about 8 years ago
#21 ETF2L Season 24 Premiership teams determined in News

streaming the dd+5 game at

posted about 8 years ago
#18 froyotech stuns Ronin, wins ESEA Season 21 in News

you still don't need to have it on your homepage like 5 hours later.
the match was at like 4-5 am in eu at least wait a day until you spoil it as soon as i open the page

posted about 8 years ago
#82 DreamHack Summer TF2 Online Qualifiers by TFCups and Razer in News

half of the high teams have like 3 players at the moment.
if this is supposed to really be a qualifier for a lan maybe give people more time and don't call for random mixes to sign up for the sake of it that would never even attend, not really the point of a qualifier imo

posted about 8 years ago
#48 DreamHack Summer TF2 Online Qualifiers by TFCups and Razer in News
nopepopcorpIf Americans are going to compete and IF 1 NA team wins, it's their full responsibility to pay for themselves, else what's the point of trying to qualify if in the end you will have to rely on other people's money?To make this LAN the best spectacle it can be, maybe?

people won't donate 10k again like one month after to get teams to insomnia tho, which is probably going to feature Aus(?) or other international teams again instead of a 4 team invite tourney and is worth donating for much more.
Theres no need to make every lan we have international with 5 fundraisers and all that jazz, if na teams want to come to eu lans thats awesome, but don't let the community send them 3 times a year for a ridiculous sum of money.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Linux users: How's tf2 running? in TF2 General Discussion

a question for you linux users than if i got this thread here already.
if you played on winows before that do you notice any differences in mouse speed? even when i was 100% sure that my drivers were working correctly, my mouse felt about 1.5 times as fast even on desktop while not ingame.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 ozfortress Summer Cup 2016: Highlights in News

that sam guys tracking is really amazing to watch, so clean especially on the flying demo

posted about 9 years ago
#7 ETF2L S23 W1: dd + 5 friends vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches

no ixy no glory!

posted about 9 years ago
#4 ETF2L S23 W1: dd + 5 friends vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches

can we pls stop talking about market gardner every time the team comes up and start talking about ixy beeing fucking amazing some more

posted about 9 years ago
#85 ban the looser cannon in TF2 General Discussion

i love how it can bounce of walls. gotta appreciate when some demo hits you for 60 and suddenly the projectile behind you decides it's time for round 2 and a funny noise.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 TF2 Update for 11/13/15 in TF2 General Discussion
trashfor the creation of easily defined and easily understood evidence regarding why we never want 2fort in 6s, presumably. FWIW, I enjoy watching horrible games that showcase issues in a ruleset or mechanic (this is my fav)

and that's why you should play melee

posted about 9 years ago
#7 EU Ultiduo Tournament - 10 Key Prize in TF2 General Discussion

blands is so terrible if you can still just run back into choke/spawn

posted about 9 years ago
#16 what defines a good demoman? in TF2 General Discussion

and pls dont look at ur damage stats to determine how good of a demo you are.
far to many pug hero demos doing useless spam damage all the time instead of actually denying areas and backing up your team.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 AsiaFortress Cup 9 Division 1 Grand Finals in TF2 General Discussion

nohate but asian tf2 looks nowhere near the highest level on the other continents. looks more like div2 games

posted about 9 years ago
#11 ETF2L Premiership Week 3: 4-25 vs. Fenneks eSports in Events

molestos voice hype

posted about 9 years ago
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