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Signed Up August 7, 2014
Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ⋅⋅ 60
#24 DHS Fundraiser Showmatch: Crowns vs. Comfortably Spanked in News

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Schedule & Poster for TF2 Invitational at DreamHack Summer by & Plantronics in News

Also uploaded on Steam Community, thanks Admirable!

posted about 8 years ago
#4 RIP Christina Grimmie in Off Topic

What the fuck. I remember when I was in high school listening to the pop covers she did under Kurt Hugo Schneider's production on Youtube. I didn't keep track much but I was happy to hear about her success, she deserved it and her voice was/still is lovely. RIP.

posted about 8 years ago
#201 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
chojjeBumFreezechojje* Commemorated a memorable momentIts the harbleu 1v2 for those wondering

Huge thanks to uberchain, DiscoSwan and The Scurvy Orange for the poster art, and JackyLegs for the initiative!

I can't thank you and JackyLegs enough for reaching out to me about this project, as well as Kichizone/DiscoSwan & Scurvy Orange for carrying this all the way to the end when I couldn't. It was an honour to work with all these people. This was the initial pose we pictured with the criteria of a Medic holding an Ubersaw + Crossbow and two Scout skulls:

We realized how cliche the pose was, so we scrapped it. At this time my wrists were getting fucked, so I brought on Swan and Scurvy (who helped with UNIreFORM jerseys & SFM back in LANs). Swan gave me 2 concepts; chojje and JackyLegs liked the 1st one, so we threw the concept to Scurvy to pose in Source Filmmaker and passed it back to Swan to paintover & filter.

I really enjoy the idea of having the CS:GO graffiti movement in the form of TF2 propaganda. I remember JackyLegs showing me LG's Coldzera graffiti video, which was what I showed to Swan & Scurvy when I brought them on, and we thought it was the coolest thing, to translate that sort of creative monument-building over to TF2 in the form of propaganda posters. I'd love to see more! Too bad some authors of the maps we run in rotation have AFK'd for years now, I had a sketch of Harb's Gullywash 2nd crater lying around:

posted about 8 years ago
#202 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
Geknaiirr u implying that we assassinate all invite players

posted about 8 years ago
#147 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

I like Sunshine.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 need help finding font in Off Topic

The letters are really stylized here so chances are they edited some vector shit on the TR and the ending R (ending R curves out more). Try mixing and matching any calligraphy fonts.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 Opinion: 6s needs payload maps. in The Dumpster
SideshowTF2 is not gonna switch modes. Best you could hope for is one extra koth in there alongside product.

No fuck you Sideshow Dreamhack Summer is now a Mannpower tournament, we're going to save TF2.

posted about 8 years ago
#42 Opinion: 6s needs payload maps. in The Dumpster

Alright shut up I'm about to overpower the stench of this shitpost. First off fuck off with this shit about how we need TF2 = OW. We don't need to copy OW, we don't need a bunch of turds complaining about females and/or buttcheeks or more than one sentry class/sniper. We don't need payloads. I get that the TF2 devs want us to use unlocks, all classes, no-class limits, and more game modes, but we don't need to copy OW for that. We do need to copy a successful formula to bring TF2 back from its shallow goddamn grave, and it's not OW, it's not Battlebirth, it's not Dirty Bomb or Super Monday Night Combat (also RIP in its shallow goddamn bitcoin grave).

We don't need to copy those games - we need to copy this game:

When this shit came out everybody was playing it on console and on PC, similar to the reaction OW is getting right now. Players wouldn't show up on time for their ETF2L/ESEA matches because they were in a RL match. That's tardiness. As we all know:

Formula of Professionalism in eSportsTardiness =/= unprofessionalism
Unprofessionalism = no eSport even though there's are some dumb ass motherfuckers in the eSports illuminati

This game was killing TF2 before OW was killing TF2 for the same god damn reasons, but better. It's closer to TF2 than OW is for a multitude of reasons, including but not limited to:

  1. Its eSports scene is smaller than the big boys' scenes like CS:GO or DOTA 2.
  2. It actually follows team colours rather than team-coloured outlines.
  3. It has hats.

This game is literally automobiles - with hats - playing football/soccer, and this motherfucking game has/had a league in both MLG and ESL a month or two after it came out. After extensive research I've pulled out of my anus, official competitive TF2 illuminati scientists have concluded what makes this game so successful: it's already using a tried and tested real sport (football/soccer) to break through into the eSports world.

That is exactly what TF2 needs to do at this point: it needs to copy a real sport. No, not more Mario Kart Bumper Car mods, NASCAR isn't as accessible as something like football/soccer. And what is the closest thing TF2 has to RL or football/soccer?

Pass Time.

If the TF2 devs want us to put more than 15 people in the MM queues before they declare MM a good use of their money/time, they should add Pass Time to the 6v6 MM rotation. We can use unlocks, all classes, no-class limits, and put more development into good Pass Time maps, because the first map that comes with a new TF2 game mode is always garbage and kills that game mode immediately. To add onto the immediate 100% guaranteed community approval it will have, it appeals to the greatest of TF2 players who like the situation-based classes that aren't Scout, Soldier, Medic, and Demoman - especially Engineers. Engineers will fucking love Pass Time.

The casuals will love this shit - but like MM because unlocks/no class limits does not work for anything TF2 outside of a 12v12 pub, they'll only love it for a total of 2 minutes, 3 if you're lucky. Here's the thing: 2 minutes is all you need to get down on your knees and beg/suck corporate dick in order for them to sponsor TF2 again with the pitch that it's basically RL but it's also an FPS. It's an FPS Sport eSport. It'll remind the older generation about the nostalgia that was Grifball and Red vs. Blue when it was still funny, and that + how good your fellatio is will immediately sign them onto re-sponsoring TF2 as an eSport. My opinion is 6v6 needs Pass Time.

Flush the toilet on your way out M4ngo, you know where the plunger is by now.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 We should have this for every league game from now in TF2 General Discussion
retrogradeif the tf2 community wants to be seen as a more serious esport this probably wont help

posted about 8 years ago
#59 What was your first experience in competitive TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

A co-admin of this Jailbreak community server I was part of asked if I wanted to try out for Medic on an Iron HL team. My audition was playing on a 32-person Harvest server, the leader told me "you stayed alive until we won and popped two Ubers, you're in". Fell in love with the idea of making all 9 classes play a role; fell in love with 6's later because it was a unique breath of fresh air and an organizational sigh of relief.

Played Season 1 of the Tumblr vs Reddit HL showmatch and coordinated some of Season 2 for the west coast teams. Made a Steel 6s team with some of the people I met in Season 1 + the same co-admin who got me into competitive. Haven't played in a while save for subbing, tryouts and lobbies; as much as I'd like to, I'm not one of those people who has the drive or time commitment to better myself at competitive TF2 when I'd rather (hopefully) better competitive TF2.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Worst sounds in the game? in TF2 General Discussion

This still fucks me up every time I hear it like I had no idea they even changed it since it wasn't in the patch notes.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion
nopecalvin and hobbes meme

I think it was a valid question coming from somebody who wasn't in the competitive TF2 scene, they eventually got a response from somebody who explained why things were the way they were. As somebody else mentioned in this thread I'd like to figure out a good balance between this crowd, the non-competitive crowd, and the non-TF2 crowd altogether. I received this message on Tumblr shortly after I posted the trailer there:

This message on TumblrI've always been curious to how the cameraman does their job, knowing where to go, heck i even see some talking on twitch chat at the same time which amazes me, how do the casters know what's going on at multiple places all the time and being able to rattle off all the information at a whim. That's a couple questions/ideas I have if that's of any help!

I definitely will touch on some basics in the exposition of what competitive 6v6 TF2 is, as well as producing competitive TF2 online.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion
M4ngoLis this inspired by the i49 fragumentary by cube that was really dope

I was inspired by the production segments of the League of Legends documentary "All Work All Play" the most, I think. It really hit home to see a look inside the lives of the team managers and Carmac's lives; reminded me of the people I worked with and saw working online, off-site and on-site. I'm definitely inspired as well by the i46 America vs. Europe documentary, the i49 Fragumentary, and some fragmovies with IRL clips woven into them.

Also, I've decided to point the documentary in a more linear direction to focus on i58's upcoming production. With Insomnia being considered our biggest TF2 LAN, I wanted to get the most footage and insight possible from that production since it will be a big show. And believe me, people are gonna be working as goddamn hard as they can to put on that big show.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion
SmesiGood luck

Thank you!

If anybody wants to see anything in particular from this documentary (e.g. a certain aspect of production talked about or filmed, more frags etc.), let me know as well! Feedback, pointers or suggestions are all welcome and appreciated.

posted about 8 years ago
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