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Signed Up August 7, 2014
Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM
Posts 896 (0.2 per day)
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#1 Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion

MARCH 28 2018: The film is now available on Youtube under Geel's Youtube account. Thank you for all you support! Thank you to all the staff and crew who made this happen.

MARCH 21 2018: A small hiatus was taken after Rewind II due to other priorities and burnout/illness after LAN. The film is currently in the last stage of cleanup such as lighting & colour grading, as well as some small changes since the film premiered, such as updating the narrative cards in the conclusion. Ready Up will be published within this month or beginning of April to Youtube, under Geel's Youtube account.

FEBRUARY 18 2018: Ready Up premiered in front of a live audience at Rewind II before Grand Finals. Thank you to our entire team of staff who contributed to this documentary. Thank you everybody who came to watch live, as well as who watched from home. You can check out the Twitch VOD from the live showing here.

OCTOBER 29 2017: Filming was extended to include footage from TotH 2017 and OW Contenders Season 1. Post-production has begun for Ready Up. We are aiming for a live premiere at ESA Rewind II in Santa Ana, CA.

JANUARY 21 2017: The first trailer for Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 has debuted at ESA Rewind. Filming has also wrapped up and we are at cataloguing stage. You can find the trailer release here as well as on this post now.

OCTOBER 21 2016: Additional events other than i58 have been included as well as a broader spectrum of topics covered. You can find those notes here.

- - -

(Original Concept/Pitch Trailer:

Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 (formerly Ready Up: Producing Competitive Team Fortress 2) is a behind-the-scenes narrative of the competitive Team Fortress 2 eSports scene, a scene that has not only thrived on the community from pro players and viewers of competitive 6v6 TF2, but also casters and producers, to programmers and designers.
Formerly, the documentary would focus on the production aspect, but now encompasses a look at competitive TF2 during 2016 - 2017, covering events such as the eventual inclusion of Matchmaking to TF2 as well as LAN events beyond i58.

The plan was to create a presentation of a niche esports production team coming together for their love of the game, and the obstacles they must face and overcome along the way to bring competitive TF2 around the whole world. The LAN that was to be focused on most was Multiplay's upcoming i58 iSeries, with some history on past LANs, including North American LANs ESEA & GXL, and Esports United's Dreamhack tournaments.
We have since updated to include the entire niche of the TF2 esports scene as harmonious with each other, from the pro players to the production crew, to create competitive TF2, as well as the obstacles they face together for competitive TF2 globally. There will be a deeper look within several LAN series not only limited to i58 but including ESA Rewind 2017, as well as including events outside of TF2 for contrast such as ESL New York for CS:GO and OW Contenders.

The footage shown in the concept trailer is i55 footage and Dreamhack Winter footage, respectively shot by myself and the legendary Bones. My initial goal was focused towards getting all of the strongest footage I need from i58. I do plan on including TF2 frag clips and Source Filmmaker content, not to the extent of the i49 Fragumentary but enough to supplement the real life footage.
Since then, we have now collected important footage from not simply i58 but events such as Tip of the Hats and ESA Rewind 2017. Initial announcement was estimated mid or late 2017, with ideal running length would be 30-45 minutes. We have extended the timeline and are currently looking to have a live premiere of Ready Up at February during ESA Rewind II 2018, before the grand finals.

If anybody has any feedback or wants to point me in the direction of some archives, I'd love to hear them!

posted about 8 years ago
#12 ice cream in Off Topic

I'm also a big fan of blending vanilla with some bananas and then refreezing it, but I haven't tried the whole "frozen banana ice cream lifehack!!" thing yet, is it any good?

posted about 8 years ago
#58 Ronin cuts phorofor, poaches Nursey in News

Error: 404 Not Found.

posted about 8 years ago
#59 water in Off Topic
EoNIf it isn't gamer water I'm not getting near it

what the fuck is gamer water

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Dragon Ball Super in Music, Movies, TV
murkscribewhich is garbage? you talking about dragon ball super or just the dragon ball series in general?

posted about 8 years ago
#31 Where has the tf2 fanfiction gone? in Off Topic
BrenI was trying to access the fanfiction where starkie gets physically abused by sideshow but it appears to have been removed from, does anyone have any backups at all?uberchainDon't have archives of Starkshow murder fic + Sideshow's dramatic reading of it is also dead since the VOD looks like it's also dead.

I lied I found Sideshow's dramatic reading of the Starkshow murder fic fuck you Bren

posted about 8 years ago
#294 the art thread in Off Topic

It's Stark's birthday and somebody told me to draw chicken tends and pizza since Stark had a poll for what to eat for his birthday, and those were leading at the time. I drew just a chicken. I'm very proud of this. Happy birthday Stark.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Where has the tf2 fanfiction gone? in Off Topic

Don't have archives of Starkshow murder fic + Sideshow's dramatic reading of it is also dead since the VOD looks like it's also dead. I deliberately didn't save it.

Tempting to dangle the fate of these in the fate of that fic's existence though.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Losing Hope In competitive TF2 in The Dumpster

그냥 슬프게한다 OVERWATCH TWITCH VIEWERSHIP TF2 TWITCH VIEWERSHIP에 비해 찾고. 나는 할 가치가 큰 전자 스포츠되고 TF2의 꿈.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 TBS to start broadcasting csgo on tv this may in CS2 General Discussion

We can have this shit too. Here, I've drafted up our billion dollar moving desk for the next LAN.

posted about 8 years ago
#226 The Side Porn Show in Videos

congratulations for surviving another year of your lifespan and tf2's lifespan

posted about 8 years ago
#10 New OW animated short in Other Games
after watching dragons after watching dragunz[1:34:29 PM] uberchain: I just finished the short
[1:34:41 PM] uberchain: SPOT ON
[1:34:44 PM] uberchain: WHAT THE FUCK
[1:34:48 PM] uberchain: THE FUCKING SUITS
[1:34:52 PM] Krunkidile: BEHOLD
posted about 8 years ago
#217 The Side Porn Show in Videos
aids twitch chatNavo93: in a post apocalyptic world, sideshow would be the sacrifice to set off traps

Also horse abuse.

EDIT: rest in rip sideshow's pc

posted about 8 years ago
#15 ETF2L S24 Preseason Playoffs Grand Finals in Events


posted about 8 years ago
#11 ETF2L S24 Preseason Playoffs Grand Finals in Events

posted about 8 years ago
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