ProSkeeztscI'm not sure that flat out banning sniper would be the best solution, but we will start enforcing offclassing rules more strictly to avoid issues.
on other maps sniper can be annoying, but via is borderline broken with a sniper and it sure as hell isnt fun to play against.
the issue with it is the second one person goes sniper a person on the other team will go sniper and its just an endless cycle
I agree with you but I'd just like to point out that though sniper is undeniably strong on viaduct, It's far more effective against unorganized pug teams (which is why you don't see literally every invite team using a full time sniper on via week).
Though they both are ludicrously good scout maps in their own ways, IMO viaduct is definitely more fun to play in pugs than for reckoner, for example, but I would argue that there definitely is a place for offclassing. That's not to say that you should be able to play full time sniper even if your team is losing and asks you to switch off, but things like heavy and sniper are definitely strong for the team holding the point and shouldn't be banned altogether. Definitely agree with tsc as far as better enforcing offclassing rules (to prevent things like this from happening), I think that there should be separate offclassing rules for koth maps like viaduct. For example if your team has had the cap for the entire round maybe it is okay for you to continue to play sniper all game if it's proven to be effective, whereas even if you are rolling in a 5cp map it's generally considered to be BM to run an offclass all game. In mumble lucrative has argued that it doesn't matter so long as you're winning, but in my experience a lot of the time the losing team will just give up because it doesn't want to play against whatever gay offclass there is. I don't think that sniping to mid (especially on the last round of the game or in an already less serious pug) is the biggest deal in the world, compared to sniping the entirety of the game.
tldr: offclass rules need to be rethought for koth maps