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Signed Up October 30, 2012
Last Posted February 22, 2014 at 5:18 PM
Posts 53 (0 per day)
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#267 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion

Welcome to ESEA. Hang your dignity at the door.

posted about 11 years ago
#263 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion

Killing is now accepting your self esteem for ESEA S16 Registrations. No Refunds.

posted about 11 years ago
#50 ESEA PROMOTION in TF2 General Discussion
KillingI'm not sure if I heard correctly but a large piece of the prize pot came from nahanni's pocket.

ESEA Admin disseminating gossip about a rival league... obviously these tactics warrant you to forfeit your monies to ESEA.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Insight into how e-relationships affect TF2 pugs in TF2 General Discussion

I want to heal the world with slin tears.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 beaslys rapper buddy in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Warsow crash, messed up mouse settings? in Hardware

Sounds like aids. Good luck bud.

posted about 11 years ago
#138 yo etf2l fucking sucks. in TF2 General Discussion
yaugSerotoneWeren't Americans complaining when europeans posted in threads about ESEA? Why is there a 5 page thread about etf2l on here?
fuck off yellow tooth

1. Yellow Tooth
A poor substitution for Blue Tooth.
A guy wearing a knit hat with his cell phone tucked in over his ear and his hands in his pockets like he's cool. He got a Yellow Tooth.

posted about 11 years ago
#161 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
Why do people keep saying that tf2 players are holding on to esea to avoid fracturing the tf2 community? The only reason people are holding on to esea is because the quality of competitive play is going to be better using esea. If any other league would allow for an identical competitive experience then im sure most people would be on board for a switch, but it just isn't going to happen.

"Why do people keep saying that tf2 players are holding on to the bitcoin miners to avoid fracturing the tf2 community? The only reason people are holding on to the malware distributors is because the quality of competitive play is going to be better using broken anticheat clients. If any other league would allow for an identical competitive experience then im sure most people would be on board for a switch, but it just isn't going to happen."

The ability to interchange those terms makes your last sentence null and void.

posted about 11 years ago
#148 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
arizonabigpoopyIt's pretty comical that invite players are adding to the very divide that they are trying to mitigate. ESEA has obviously shown to be apathetic and corrupt which shows no promise for tenure as a competitive gaming option(people stop paying for corruption and apathy sooner or later). The recent development of events presents a perfect opportunity for invite players to use their influence in the community to unify a move to a more viable long term solution. Instead they come to piss and moan about how it affects their personal goals and add to the cloud of uncertainty in a change. I guess their team work stops at shooting shit. This is funny because the money for their personal goals don't come to fruition without community support.

ESEA's tf2 league is probably going to die regardless of any shit that is said. Instead of holding on to the sinking ship, help get people to a new ship and sail on. I would rather choose the uncertainty of death than the for sure death the ensues with choosing ESEA.

how are invite players trying to mitigate a divide? they are trying to convince people to stay with esea because competition wise its the smartest thing to do???

??? ESEA's goals are not to provide healthy competition, it is to get paid and keep the illusion of power in seamless automation. I believe the "watch this" story gives great credence to my point.

posted about 11 years ago
#128 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
PlatinumFzeroLet me ask this about top level tf2 play and those people that goes to LANs, if it's honestly that important to you, are you willing to completely pay for the trip completely out of your own pocket?
I'm just wondering where the line is? Is going to LAN so important to not ask for a single donation?

Thats what we have done for the past 4 seasons.

Not for your competitors, get to go to LAN and play with yourselves. Circle Jerk on LAN.

posted about 11 years ago
#127 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion

It's pretty comical that invite players are adding to the very divide that they are trying to mitigate. ESEA has obviously shown to be apathetic and corrupt which shows no promise for tenure as a competitive gaming option(people stop paying for corruption and apathy sooner or later). The recent development of events presents a perfect opportunity for invite players to use their influence in the community to unify a move to a more viable long term solution. Instead they come to piss and moan about how it affects their personal goals and add to the cloud of uncertainty in a change. I guess their team work stops at shooting shit. This is funny because the money for their personal goals don't come to fruition without community support.

ESEA's tf2 league is probably going to die regardless of any shit that is said. Instead of holding on to the sinking ship, help get people to a new ship and sail on. I would rather choose the uncertainty of death than the for sure death the ensues with choosing ESEA.

posted about 11 years ago
#95 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
dummyPrototypesfunny how the people who want to stick with esea are: squid, platinum, dummy etc. what a fucking joke. everyone is getting baited so hard. dont want their free vacay goin away.
Suddenly it's a joke for LAN players to want to go to LAN? Just because you have a valid reason to leave, doesn't mean we don't have valid reasons to stay. Competition at the very top will die without a LAN. All the big plays and great matches you see on LAN are a product of the LAN environment. That level of play isn't happening online. I'm not trying to convince anyone to stick with ESEA, but it's true. Yeah the top invite players might keep playing the game but they won't be putting nearly the same amount of effort in an online match. It's difficult to get into that competitive mode online after playing on lan. We'd be losing out on our reason for playing the game. I saw a lot of people confused that platinum couldn't fathom other motivations for playing tf2. Well it goes both ways, LAN is the reason we play and that's as valid a reason as any.

also "free vacay"


That cash prize with no travel expenses doesn't phase him. It's about that free trip to a hotel room.

posted about 11 years ago
#78 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
PYYYOURYou know I have issues with ESEA, but do also understand that following one league benefits all.

I want people to pay attention to who supporting ESEA and who is not. Its very funny to watch Support for ESEA be rallied behind the scenes. Not that its bad, its just illusory. Mixup and iT, Mixup specifically, are invested in ESEA. This is what they do, they make a roster, Plat makes dem nice calls at lan and they go off against b4nny. That is what they do. Pay attention and rally up support no matter what side of this you are on, because, APPARENLTY, ESEA does make money off of TF2.

ESEA is an OLD DEAD business model. Literally will be gone if CS:GO does not make it. ESEA.qlive? ESEA.sc2? ESEA.LoL? ESEA is a virus that looks for a host. New games are centralizing streaming and streamlining the matchmaking process and competitive structure of games, this will keep contraceptive businesses away, i.e. ESEA. The ESEA business model adds no real value to the game. Stats have been partially broken for 3-4 seasons now, where as sizzlingstats is that new hotness. STVS sometimes for BIG-GAMES just dont work, which as I see it, the big game never even happened. Use a client which will never catch cheaters, but turns out is malware and fried peoples gpu's, mine included. Laughable. Start a ESEA.europe league, client broken first week of season. Literally just shows you what they are about.

People arguing for ESEA do it for intrinsic reasons or because they are scared of the community dieing. Isn't it obvious at this point? You know ESEA is terrible for TF2 but you stay with it. To be turning this game into a purely for high-high level competition is laughable. That boat has sailed.

I think everyone needs to do a little self sacrifice and well find much greener pastures.

Dat Green Grass

posted about 11 years ago
#432 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
ikpuresupporting esea now and I will still be supporting them next season and every season after that... dividing the comp scene over this stupid protest you guys have going on will probably kill the competitive tf2 community.

I read this as "Im getting laid and getting STDs but who cares im getting laid."

posted about 11 years ago
#400 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

I bet platinum keeps playing if you guys change leagues.

posted about 11 years ago
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