drop physics for internet search 101
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197974493152 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:14227424] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:7113712 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | October 30, 2012 |
Last Posted | February 22, 2014 at 5:18 PM |
Posts | 53 (0 per day) |
kirbyAn ignore feature would be neat.
There is an ignore feature in your head. Use your mind don't let it use you.
I'm not gonna do shit i just like to watch and play on occasion. Video games are not my passion. If video games are your passion then you need dreams and you need drive to make dreams reality. You can keep conditioning your mind to make reasons why you shouldn't do something or you can start conditioning the mind to say why the fuck shouldn't i do this. The choice is yours. You wanna make a living from playing video games? Do it. Make it happen. Be a professional and learn everyday. Get audio books to better yourself, use the internet to learn. Knowledge is power. You should start with Steven Pressfield "Do The Work". It will give you knowledge about aversion and how you are exhibiting those traits right now.
If you are just playing video games for fun. Then why the fuck are you here bringing people down that want to make shit happen? Who gives a fuck if they have an idea and take steps to achieve and fail? Why does that affect you? Why are you putting energy into discouraging? You should be putting your energy into realizing your dreams not discouraging others dreams.
brownymasterbigpoopyIt is worth a try. Good things can happen because people have the audacity to ask why not. Even if this has been "disastrous" before, learn from mistakes and improve. Haters gon hate no matter what you do, don't let enigma discourage you.I hope you realize that this site is enigma's. If you don't get his approval, it's not happening. And he's laid out plenty of good reasons why it won't work.
I do realise this and his perspective on the matter is intriguing for someone who wants to build a competitive scene. He is essentially trying to null this at the beginning of the creative process, members of the community are just brainstorming. No one has even put together a plan on paper and presented it to him yet.
o_O. Lets see tf2pug tournaments were a disastrous waste of time. I don't even know what that means but when you go outside your comfort zone you learn what works and what doesn't. So never a waste of time. Its great that this has already happened and you have a reference for what did not work.
"Or prizes that aren't money? You can't tell me you play competitive TF2 for the money." You have plenty of video game enthusiasts with plenty of resources in different areas to be innovative with. People that can program, people that donate servers, tf2 items, web hosting, media outlets, etc. I don't have ideas but human creativity is infinite as long as their is dialog in the community.
It will take some work to make shit happen but you have a community willing to help. Just need people that are willing to sack up and make shit happen. You gotta fail to succeed it is how you learn.
It is worth a try. Good things can happen because people have the audacity to ask why not. Even if this has been "disastrous" before, learn from mistakes and improve. Haters gon hate no matter what you do, don't let enigma discourage you.
Rugby, North Dakota
The Geographic Center of North America
You didn't see the press conference?
https://www.djangoproject.com/ you may enjoy messing with this since you already know python.
Yo 2007 called. They want TF2 back.
Justin: "you have no idea what you're talking about", "we never did that"... "ok", "i never said that"
pretty atrocious stuff.
Why won't you play Tea Party with us Fully Torqued? Must i conniption fit?
you mixed so hard that you broke your google
If it makes you feel better Killing is a jew.