He was never there Trebek!
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Signed Up | August 1, 2012 |
Last Posted | May 7, 2019 at 4:53 AM |
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He was never there Trebek!
posting in potentially epic thread
wecutourvisionsSo how about next season some of the top IM teams get moved to IN? I have to imagine those dudes/ladies are probably chomping a bit to make it to the big show and would be less likely to bail mid season.
It's one thing to win most of your games in IM and do well. It's another to lose most of your games in invite and pray you can break even.
i could cast matches since i don't play anymore
looks like other people want to challenge for the title of "mad men"
would you rather wear bananas on your feet or shoes on your hands
Why do you think madmen will do so well this season in invite? What do you think we need to improve on in order to place so highly? What can I do as an individual besides play less dota2 and play more tf2 since i'm shit?