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Signed Up August 22, 2012
Last Posted April 25, 2013 at 7:34 PM
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#28 Weight training for my GF? in Off Topic

Diet is more important than exercise for losing weight. Unless you take it very seriously (30 mins of high intensity a day or 50 of moderate and up) or are very overweight, you will most likely maintain weight through exercise, though your fat % will drop. And cardio > lifting for losing weight.

The first 20-30 minutes of exercise are by far the most important if you are doing only cardio or only lifting (, ). You can do both and some research suggests this is more efficient in a long workout (

HIIT is the most efficient form of exercise for cardio but it can be unpleasant. Some find it easier as part of a class. For lifting, there's practically no good research (so go w/ whatever plan you find) but as beginning lifters you can both become much stronger with comparably little effort.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Lan Highlight video in TF2 General Discussion

That zbryan harb play is at about 8:39:20 on the stream.

posted about 11 years ago
#158 LAN Discussion! in TF2 General Discussion

Times for matches:

0:44:31 FT vs HRG process
1:14:48 FT vs HRG gran

2:49:15 Mix vs Chess process
3:30:57 Mix vs Chess metal

4:23:50 FT vs Chess snake
5:19:12 FT vs Chess badlands

6:06:40 Mix vs HRG snake
7:21:15 Mix vs HRG badlands

8:30:44 Mix vs FT gran
10:21:41 Mix vs FT gully

posted about 11 years ago
#5 tf2 and mumble bandwith usage? in Off Topic

You can also just use the built in windows resource monitor (

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Dear cbear, djc, and Lange in TF2 General Discussion

Also credit to bl4nk, who offered a more relaxed stream option and a backup for crashes.

posted about 12 years ago
#24 Mouse Recommendations in Hardware

I love my G500 but I have huge hands and palm it. Also, I have had two cables fray over 18 months, eventually breaking the cord connection, but they've been great about sending me a replacement for free each time (3 year warranty, did not have to return original).

posted about 12 years ago
#19 Quiting smoking and video games in TF2 General Discussion

First off, don't waste your precious willpower trying to quit videogames or start meditating. Just do whatever you want, whatever distracts you from smoking. You can work on deeper meaning later, when you're not addicted to a deadly, poisonous drug.

Second, you're far enough into the cold turkey at this point that you should just grind it out. The physical addiction only lasts a week from what I've heard and experienced and you're finishing off the worst of it right now. I suggest getting a substitute activity though, like regular gum or tictacs that you can take/do while getting the craving. A former 30-year smoker I knew handled cravings by popping a tictac and chewing on a cinammon stick. I personally learned to juggle though as a college student I was often in/near my apartment. Marxist has some good advice on these lines.

Good luck quitting. You can do it, tough it out.

posted about 12 years ago
#15 Looking for cheap new headset in TF2 General Discussion

If you're looking for Best Buy headphones and don't want to spend a full 50 on the Sennheiser's (a good choice, btw), I suggest the Koss SportaPros, which have the same sound source as the classic Koss PortaPros. You can also use those outside of gaming and save up to someday get a nice $100 set of cans which will sound great.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Looking for cheap new headset in TF2 General Discussion

I recommend just buying headphones and then using Amazon to pick up a Zalman Zm-Mic1. I've gone through several cheap headsets and never felt like they were very high quality or very durable.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Windows 7 120Hz Help in Hardware

Having gone from an 85 hz CRT to a 120 hz LCD, my experience is that the CRT's lack of input lag and response time make it look far crisper and less blurry than even a 120 hz when making rapid turns in FPS games. I wish I could get a new CRT with a 16:10 aspect ratio.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Give yourself a christmas present in Hardware
breloompart of me wants to get it. the other part is like "dude, you have a 400 dollar crt that you got for free that has a higher refresh rate and less input lag, don't but it" wat do john wat do

Where do you get a nice CRT? Afaik they don't make nice new CRTs and the old ones are all fading with age.

posted about 12 years ago
#46 boil or microwave hot dogs? in Off Topic

Frying pan is easy and good. Broiling it in the oven might be better but would take longer to warm up.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 120Hz CRT vs. 120Hz LCD in Hardware

I just got a 120hz lcd and feel that it's much blurrier as I snap my vision around vs. my ancient CRT. That said, it's much larger and brighter, so I prefer it for everything else and am still glad I bought it.

posted about 12 years ago
#55 If you could make a difference in TF2 General Discussion

Wareya, I think your damage post misstates the effect of combining random variables. Sampling a whole bunch of binomial distributions (i.e. pistol damage with spread) will create a normal probability distribution (i.e. damage spread for about 30 minigun shots), but the mean (in this case, damage output per shot) will not be affected. That means that damage spread vs. no damage spread will have the same average damage output for a pistol shot vs. a big group of pistol shots or a minigun shot vs. a group of minigun shots. Thus, any change in the effectiveness of one will produce, on average, an identical reduction in the effectiveness of the other. The rapid-fire element simply doesn't come into play.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 We are home now. in TF2 General Discussion

So, I am just starting to play competitive tf2. What the hell did NATF2 do to earn this kind of hate?

posted about 12 years ago
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