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Signed Up May 25, 2017
Last Posted September 8, 2024 at 11:36 AM
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#30 What did y'all eat today in Off Topic

taco truck in town i got 5 steak tacos shit was gas

posted 2 months ago
#24 What did y'all eat today in Off Topic

boneless chicken wings and some iced tea shit was cash

posted 2 months ago
#121 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
Tynnyribloodmachine You're wrong.bloodmachineyou spent a week trying to argue
In a discussion, it's regular to change one's mind and agree with others. In an argument, the goal is to change others' minds. I've been fine with people disagreeing with me.
bloodmachineyou spent a week trying to argue back and forth with people that know about the topic than you.
You should probably avoid "appeal to authority" in the future. If someone truly knows more about the topic, their knowledge should allow them to discuss it effectively without needing to appeal to their own authority.

aint no grace in this lil bro good luck

posted 2 months ago
#118 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
Tynnyripajarowhy are you still posting, we don't want you here
I came here to discuss class limits. I am sorry if that offends you. :(

You came here to talk about it, got told that you were wrong and instead of going "yea alright" you spent a week trying to argue back and forth with people that know about the topic than you. You're wrong. That's fine, just have some grace in it.

posted 2 months ago
#12 What did y'all eat today in Off Topic

Some steaks and a salad with rice n beans shit was cash

posted 2 months ago
#6 What did y'all eat today in Off Topic

hella naw strawberries from the carton go crazy

posted 2 months ago
#4 What did y'all eat today in Off Topic


posted 2 months ago
#5 shitposter tier lsit in Off Topic
hpqoeui feel like theres a significant amount of names missing. wheres pankyman


posted 2 months ago
#19 Guide for how to not be a creep on in Site Discussion
TynnyriYrri'd tell you that i have not looked at anything besides your posts here, but you'd probably consider reading and applying that context "creepy"
Oh, sorry. I've gone over your reply a few times and I see the misunderstanding now: It reads like you were either defending your own behavior and making fun of me. Weird, that wasn't the case apparently. You might want to try again with your post so it sounds less like you're defending "researching" each other over internet arguments like a true crime psychopath :)

For your next message, we might want to focus on you not obsessively "researching" people over internet arguments, and instead on some positive message like starting normal discussions, maybe by asking some questions while we're at it. Makes you understand the person way better, just like in the guide! I've found it an easy and fun form of human interaction. So you could try something like:

"Curse people who don't do normal human interactions and stay unhappy because of that, on purpose!" That has bit of the same ring to it, works well without giving serial killer vibes. I would go for something like that. And keeps bit of the same intent, I guess.

Now you try!


posted 2 months ago
#11 Guide for how to not be a creep on in Site Discussion
TynnyribloodmachineYour use of appeal to tradition actually falls under the bandwagon fallacy.
That's a good point. I guess you could even argue that appeal to tradition and appeal to popularity are the same thing in many regards, but I don't agree that it changes the validity of my "arguments".
bloodmachineAnd yes, I read all of your steam reviews.
Oh, that is great! What did you think of them?

Your failure to recognize your prior points as arguments is an obfuscation of your intentions.

And most of them are horrible.

posted 2 months ago
#88 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
TynnyribloodmachineYou are incorrect.
want to discuss it?


posted 2 months ago
#86 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
Tynnyri Why class limits are important:

Triathlons are made of 3 sports everyone competes in: Swimming, biking and running. A competitor has to be a good in all 3 to get first place. If a Olympic-level runner saw that sport, they would vote to ban swimming. They can vote to do that of course: Make swimming shorter, make it count for less. That would give competitive advantage to the Olympic runners, and they would enjoy that a lot.

Good runners would naturally want to win by removing the other 2, and running is more popular than swimming, so they could easily vote swimming away from triathlons. But triathlon without the 3 sports is no longer a triathlon

What I am trying to say, is that 6v6's current rules, through votes of the majority, haven't been constructed with TF2 in mind, they have been created with Scout and Soldier in mind. And being good at anything else is - despite being core part of TF2 - not fun for the people who are exceptionally good Scouts and Soldiers. And while I understand the sentiment that fun comes first, that goes both ways: Why would non-Scout players and non-Soldier players find it fun to play a format that focuses so much on those classes?

I understand completely, learning new skills and adapting to a changing landscape might not always be fun. But that is the heart of competition, and that's where fun should be derived in a competitive setting. Any "fun" that is derived from no need to learn, adapt or improve isn't competitive.

6v6 is not a natural competitive development

My harping on Scout and Soldier might seem arbitrary and unfair. That is fine. Let's discuss objectively the consequences the class limit rules and how they affect game.

In Highlander, every class has restriction of 1. With 9 players, this forces 1 of each class. However, highlander never seems to devolve into a stalemate where neither team is attacking or defending. The "flow" of a match is pretty similar to a casual match in this regard; Both teams slowly poke at each other, then explosive high-value picks (Heavy, Demo, Medic) ensue, the winning team pushes the advantage and the teamfight is quickly over. (Of course it is more nuanced than this)

However, the consensus in 6v6 seems to be that allowing heavies or pyros to even be viable (which is the sole reason given for Fists of Steel, Detonator, and Scorch Shot bans), will eventually lead to a slow, boring meta.

But that makes no sense. Highlander seems fine with these weapons. Sniper can easily kill Heavies, and Pyros lose against all hitscan weapons. So why can't a team break through a stalemate by switching classes to, for example, Sniper? (who counters both Pyro and Heavy) Most issues with stalemates seem to be caused by 5CP's brittle balance, but if that was the sole reason, people would've banned 5CP. So these balance issues seem to go deeper, affecting even KOTH and stopwatch.

And then it hit me. The class limits in 6v6 are weirdly specific. There can be 2 Scouts, but not 2 Medics.

Think of it this way: Would it be healthy for the game if we could stack Medics? Of course not, more players would be forced into over-centralized, Medic-focused meta. Everyone should agree that stacking a class creates issues, mainly of over-centralization.

And over-centralization eats away at the competitiveness of needing to adapt and learn. A player can't take the risk of running specialist class that has narrow use cases, because at any moment, 5 out of the 6 of the enemy team's players are probably playing as wide use case, generalist classes. And those enemies can't risk to swap to specialists either for the same reason. This type of circular logic is what creates overcentralization.

It doesn't matter if a player would find it fun to play other classes, or if they would be better with other classes. The meta is so overcentralized that nobody can pick specialists. (except rarely in lasts of 5CP)

Class limit of 1

If players were FORCED to pick specialists via a class limit of 1, this problem should be solved. I am not saying it will be more fun for the Scout players, but it would bring more competitiveness to the game. The ruling doesn't need to arbitrarily pick between Medic and Scout overcentralization, all classes can be affected equally. And if this change leads to another static meta, we can proudly say that the meta was natural.

You are incorrect.

posted 2 months ago
#9 Guide for how to not be a creep on in Site Discussion

Hopefully you’ll find this helpful. Feel free to ask questions.

I know it's annoying when new users come and tell older members how to do things - But I'll stop that thought right there. Nobody cares about your status in the community if you're being a creep. (also using appeal to tradition on this issue will make the community look very bad)

Your use of appeal to tradition actually falls under the bandwagon fallacy making your prior arguments entirely irrelevant. And yes, I read all of your steam reviews.

posted 2 months ago
#4 RGL 6s S15 LAN Photos in TF2 General Discussion

how is mariomanz so fucking handsome i can't

posted 3 months ago
#395 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

B4nny still GOAT

glad he still has that funny matrix installed somewhere in there

posted 3 months ago
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