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Signed Up May 25, 2017
Last Posted September 8, 2024 at 11:36 AM
Posts 219 (0.1 per day)
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#53 Have you ever completely shit your pants? in Off Topic


posted 5 months ago
#2 NA TF2: catching up in News

more! :)

posted 5 months ago
#7 froyo yight in TF2 General Discussion

b4nny better pay attention this time when the maestro is teaching

posted 5 months ago
#57 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion
I avoid Open PUGs because they're never populated


posted 5 months ago
#246 Apex Legends in Other Games

lf grinders until i find a team! :)

posted 5 months ago
#40 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion

People have been calling this behavior out for years but the sad truth is that unless you are among the invite circle and have earned the respect to be listened to no one will listen or care to change it. At the end of the day your value as a player and your accomplishments in the game trumps the decency and respect you deserve as a member of the community.

posted 5 months ago
#9 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion

turns out the class with the least control over the game and the most pressure on their shoulders isn't very fun to play when half the people you are playing with are trolling and playing for clips! wow!!

posted 5 months ago
#3 b4nny rant in TF2 General Discussion

he right dou??????

posted 5 months ago
#5 I think it’s time for a new league in TF2 General Discussion

awesome league
(shortened to AW)

cool graphics, 4 da ads
raid shadow legends and world of tanks sponsor
100,000 prize pool with invite getting 90,000 (need to feed b4nny)
top 16 hosted in stadium with awesomje sponsor like pebsi and coke
grand finals winner meet obmaa
tf2 tik tok dance
pug site that only works if you are good player (no bad players allowed)

funding will come from uh.......................................................................!?!!
signed - all

posted 5 months ago
#6 SuperZAZA Bomb LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)
skullthis team sucks. had to leave because they suck so bad.

...was thinking about trying out...thanks for letting me know.,.will avoid this team....peace....

posted 5 months ago
#6 What's the most beautiful point on a map? in TF2 General Discussion

Sunshine mid never gets enough credit for how good it looks.

posted 5 months ago
#10 log with most med drops but still won in TF2 General Discussion

I didn't say nothing about combined logs, they still won the match and had crazy med drops so all the same to me

I'll also take any novelty logs where the medic drops an insane amount of times but still wins, I'm trying to figure out why it happens when on paper you SHOULD lose.

posted 5 months ago
#7 log with most med drops but still won in TF2 General Discussion

Most likely found it and also casted this at the time, still crazy to think that they won despite dropping that many times.

I would be very surprised if anyone can beat 8. Good luck soldiers keep searching.

posted 5 months ago
#12 RGL 6s Season 15 - Map Pool, Season Changes, Final in TF2 General Discussion

badlands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >

posted 5 months ago
#1 log with most med drops but still won in TF2 General Discussion

Objective: Find the log with the most medic drops on the team that still won the game IN A MATCH.

posted 5 months ago
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