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Signed Up June 24, 2014
Last Posted April 6, 2020 at 8:48 PM
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Life is beautiful :)

and I love each and every one of you. You are all perfect in your own way, don't ever let anyone dull your sparkle, you have brought such a unique perspective to this world. I love all of you so much

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Hey Look Ma! I Made It in Off Topic


What are some things you have overcome or accomplished over the last year that show you have value and appreciate yourself for all the hard-work you put into living this life? You are all so wonderful and amazing, please take a minute to recognize how much effort you are putting forward to better yourself and bring joy and happiness into this world.

Please don't ever feel you are undeserving of love.

posted about 6 years ago
#65 Coming out in Off Topic

I didn't rly expect this to take this turn, more made this thread to show people struggling with finding acceptance about certain parts of themselves that there is love, tolerance, and beauty in this world. hate isn't the message to spread, because at the end of the day you have one person to answer to, and that is yourself. if it's dangerous for you to come out as whatever you identify with, yeah don't make a martyr out of yourself, but there are people who will love you no matter what.

there's nothing wrong with using science to understand this, we use the scientific method to understand everything in our world, and nothing stomps out ignorance like love and knowledge. I think there's room for both, but let's not get distracted and start throwing punches when we're all on the same team here.

everyone of you has so much to offer this world, don't ever be ashamed of what you are.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Coming out in Off Topic

hey everyone, I know a lot of people who it's insanely hard to admit their sexuality to their fellow peers, but I'm hoping we can change that. I want an environment where we can accept everyone for who they are, and stomp out discrimination. And if this fails miserably, but you still want to talk to someone about how confusing all these feelings are for you, please add me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Pete S29 in Recruitment (looking for team)

If it's a dream don't wake me

posted about 6 years ago

It was 106 degrees the entire time I was in phoenix for training. but that just means it was extra lit

posted about 6 years ago
#35 Totalbiscuit dead in Off Topic

Whatever he was, he can be viewed as a man who fought hard against the helplessness cancer can make one feel. He didn't let it consume him, and he made damn sure he made an impact on this world before it finally took him. Whatever you think of him, you can respect him for never giving up in the face of impossible odds.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 rewind thank you thread in TF2 General Discussion

This is honestly my favorite part of every lan, just the display of love, and passion, and appreciation for everyone who does so much to make these events happen. It's just so wholesome and I'm just so sad I couldn't attend lan this year. Thank you everyone who worked so hard to make this event as amazing and memorable as it was.

So thank you to everyone who played, thank you to everyone who casted, thank you for getawhale and his crew for all the upstairs analysis, thank you to the production crew who sank countless hours into making this thing work, thank you ma3la for being so upbeat and never showing any type of bias during the entire event, Dashner and uberchain you all know how much we love and appreciate you, and blegh those articles were good damn fire both in content and how fast you got them out, and honestly thank you to the spectators for making this such a high energy lan; I wasn't even there and I could sense how hype it was just from how you guys were acting. Sorry if there's anyone else deserving of individual praise for their contributions i forgot to mention, I couldn't pay as close to the lan as I wanted to, so if I missed you and you contributed your time immensely to making this work, I'm sorry!

Get fucked up responsibly tonight boys, I've been to enough lans to know y'all take things way too far, so if you know ur friend isn't a partier and they start getting too turnt, be a good friend and make sure they don't die <3


posted about 6 years ago
#12 REWIND 2 MVPS in TF2 General Discussion

MVP both in game and in our hearts <3

posted about 6 years ago
#11 what was the first item drop you ever received? in Off Topic

It was on egypt and it was a force of nature. I'd played tf2 on the xbox for a year and playing it on pc was the coolest thing ever

posted about 6 years ago

Ahoy maties! Hows everyone been!? still love you all to pieces!! <3

Show Content bonus post workout picture ^_^
posted about 6 years ago
#10 trip lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

actual footage of trip attempting to find teammates who don't blame him for everything

posted about 7 years ago
#5 morscaa lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

my seed

posted about 7 years ago
#204 Say something nice about the person above you in Off Topic

judging u just by ur forum posts i wish i could have your outlook on life and demeanor. u seem like someone who anyone would be lucky enough to call their friend.

posted about 7 years ago
#61 Post in this thread and I will compliment you in Off Topic

lol. i was having such a shit day, but this thread actually made me smile and realize how silly I was being. Thank you for putting a smile back on my face :)

posted about 7 years ago
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