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Signed Up November 22, 2012
Last Posted January 3, 2016 at 3:50 AM
Posts 89 (0 per day)
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#13 Random thought I had in TF2 General Discussion
SBARROHOTTOPICI'm gonna use this thread as a way to write down this idea I had one time:

Think of like, a plugin you can put on servers. It collects data around the map as the game goes on. It tells when someone gets a medic pick, when someone gets an airshot, gets kritzed, etc etc

The plugin then takes this info and puts it on a website. Since STVs have a 90 second delay, the info popped up says something like 'medic drops to headshot in 90 seconds' and the timer ticks down until it reaches 0 then the notifier goes away.

This could be used like the Big Status Monitor but in a much easier way. Cameramen can catch any really big moments by just seeing when they come up in the STV.

Of course this would be terribly hard to make and implement, but it's a quick idea I had one time that kind of pertains to this thread.

People that know more coding than me: couldn't you run a parser on the .txt file being written to the server as the game's going on and have it look for key words?

posted about 11 years ago
#89 College in Off Topic
huffYankeesantababyprestigepretty sure i am going 2 be freshman @ nc state

double represent. 919 holla

what up NCSU 2017

Whaaaaaaat. So many people from my hometown playing this game. 919 represent.

Dionysusuniversity of north carolina at pembroke :o

I'm so sorry. The most popular place to go at UNC-P is literally the Walmart.

I'm at UNC-Charlotte right now, finishing up a B.S. in Statistics with a CS minor.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Dronux lft as roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

Excellent soldier, always manages to be in the right place at the right time. Great attitude and willing to help the team progress. Pick him up.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Scout LFT S14 Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Absolutely insane scout, and his pick class efficiency is unparalleled. If you want a scout you don't have to look any further. Committed to bettering himself and working for the team. Good comms / great attitude. Give this guy a tryout.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Papa Johns in TF2 General Discussion
hooky(Im)patiently waiting for Papa John's Gaming

Imagine the tag.
For example: Papa Tagg, Papa Shade, Papa B4nny, Papa Cyzer, Papa Shrugger, Papa Lansky.

posted about 11 years ago
#54 Help Get Chess Club To LAN! in TF2 General Discussion

I believe in you, Chess Club :3

posted about 11 years ago
#3 LF Scout Mentor in Mentoring

How eager? Like quantify it for me.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Low/Mid Steel 6's Team Needs a Mentor! in Mentoring

We're a new team, most of us have experience in 6's/HL but we're still struggling for team cohesion. We'd like a mentor to watch our STV's or sit in on scrims and give us feedback.

You can add me on steam,

posted about 11 years ago
#92 Share your story on getting into comp in Q/A Help
breloomboutrosBefore I was even playing TF2 regularly I saw your Viva La Breloom shoutcast recommended to me on YouTube and I watched it. Quickly watched several other competitive matches and knew that I wanted to get in on whatever it was they were doing. ~600 hours of TF2 later, I'm on my first sixes team playing medic. So thanks for that, I guess.why the fuck would you watch that

I thought it was absolutely hilarious you dropping minis for most of that game.

posted about 11 years ago
#89 Share your story on getting into comp in Q/A Help

Before I was even playing TF2 regularly I saw your Viva La Breloom shoutcast recommended to me on YouTube and I watched it. Quickly watched several other competitive matches and knew that I wanted to get in on whatever it was they were doing. ~600 hours of TF2 later, I'm on my first sixes team playing medic. So thanks for that, I guess.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Fully Charged Ep 13 Discussion and Feedback in TF2 General Discussion

I think Tagg's idea for getting questions on the forums before hand worked out great. Should definitely be repeated for future episodes.
Also, the trivia for hats was pretty entertaining.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 Mentor Bonanza Starring YOU! in Mentoring

I'm playing my first season in UGC Steel as a Medic. I'd love to have you as a mentor but your list is probably full by ne.

posted about 11 years ago
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