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Signed Up September 26, 2013
Last Posted November 5, 2021 at 7:29 PM
Posts 739 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ⋅⋅ 48
#2138 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
spammy#2131 Hey pwny, can i have a dl link to that hud?
And i'd like to know what dxlevel and fps config you are using.

posted about 10 years ago
#2067 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Anyone know how to extend the title bar? I'm just starting to edit the sourcescheme.

posted about 10 years ago
#799 yahud in Customization
yttriumHere's a quick gallery of what it looks like when I replace all of the Futura fonts with Roboto variants.,vCrmg7V,4qe11Xe,N3iq7n9,aI4g6IQ,w5D1lnI#0

Odd numbers are before, even are after. Sorry for the inconsistencies in the in-game screenshot, it was taken from a demo at the exact same tick but still has its inconsistencies.

As you can see, Roboto would be a great font for most of the letter typesetting in the game, with some tweaking; the menu could switch to the bold variant, the kill feed would need a different style than the direct Futura>Roboto translation, etc. However, numbers are quite a bit off, so in the end I think you'll need to find a new font for numbers that still has the fantastic feel of the Futura version you've been using.

Good luck man.

I don't think you installed the fonts correctly

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Help editing HUD in Customization

For the koth issue, go into hudobjectivekothtimepanel.res and check to see if the red TimeValuePanel is the same width as the blue one.

posted about 10 years ago
#75 QTCHud in Customization
HardingoHey just wanted to ask how I can get this version of the hud?

Sorry, I'm not sure if I can get that back because I dont have a github set up.

posted about 10 years ago
#1958 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

messing with my scoreboard, still unsure what to do with it

posted about 10 years ago
#69 QTCHud in Customization
drakApologies, but I promise I've tried several times, each time having to reinstall your hud, but:
I followed the instructions to the best of my ability on the fog's crosshairs thread, and to no avail could install them myself. I also tried directly copying the sections from another hud that are used in the fog's crosshairs installation instructions, simply adding them on in order to not mess up the existing HUD, but to no avail could get them to work.

Could anybody assist me, or, would you consider adding them to the HUD itself, collycat?

adding them in the new update, sorry it's taking awhile

posted about 10 years ago
#1937 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
SFXI've been slightly modifying a version of YaHUD over the past few months and i've finally gotten to redoing the backpack screen. Started off as stock layout with updated colors and border shapes.

Not everything is 100% lined up, but that's because I did everything by trial and error and by eye.


i like it

posted about 10 years ago
#1907 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

changing fonts

posted about 10 years ago
#1878 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Magmacollycatis this design any better from the previous?
Nah, I thought the even spacing between everything looked really nice on your scoreboard before.
Volodercollycat-new scoreboard-I'm with Magma, I like the old one more.

alright, I'll stick with the old design

posted about 10 years ago
#1874 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

is this design any better from the previous?

posted about 10 years ago
#1856 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Anyone know how to change the font size for the loadout/stats tabs and also change the color for the back button?

posted about 10 years ago
#1843 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
hanbroloI'd appreciate a second opinion on my team selection menu.
Which one do you guys think is better?
Show Content
I'm leaning towards black personally.

Also, does anyone have any meta-game hud secrets to editing the main menu? Do I just need to boot up tf2 each time? It still takes like 3-5 minutes each load unfortunately, so if there's a quicker way then I'd be very happy.

Looks pretty cool. I'd say first. I don't think the purple fits.

posted about 10 years ago
#64 QTCHud in Customization

Hey guys I'm working on a big update which includes multiple coloschemes, new winpanel/scorboards/etc., and a bunch of other things. I'm looking for anyone willing to test it out before I release it to find bugs,

posted about 10 years ago
#1786 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
shiznoAlannyqtchud +yahud cmyk for yacan i have a screenshot

just cmyk with my menu

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ⋅⋅ 48